Her Butler, Confession

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Ciela walked up to her room and walked in, she looked around and smiled. She walked to the ensuite bathroom and got the tub ready with hot soapy water. She walked into her bedroom and closed the curtains before stripping off and got into the tub.

She sighed in satisfaction as the hot water covered her body, there was a knock on her door, "My Lady, I'm coming in," Sebastian called out, he walked in and looked at her in the tub, "You couldn't wait."

"I usually bathe myself, so I didn't think that I had to wait for you," She told him looking over to him with a smile.

He walked to her removing his tailcoat and rolling up his sleeves before kneeling down, "Let's get you washed up, then we can talk with you dressed and not naked," He said with a smirk looking at her.

"Alright Sebastian," She nodded and leaned forward as he began to wash her back.

"For a Lady who says you can bathe herself, you don't think twice about having someone else wash your body," He commented and watched his hands as he washed her body, "Such soft skin, unmarked skin... Well, it will be unmarked for beings such as us, isn't that correct?"

"It is indeed," Ciela nodded and gasped when Sebastian started to wash her front.

"If I can't make sure my master's cousin is properly clean, then, what kind of butler would I be?" He looked at her with his smirk.

"Have you slept with any other humans?" She asked looking away frowning.


"Have you had sex with any more humans in the past six months?" 

Sebastian sighed, "How about we talk about that later, when you don't try to scold me with boiling water," He said with a straight face.

"That means yes," Ciela said and went quiet as she allowed Sebastian to carry on washing her body.

Sebastian stood up and held a towel open, "All ready now," He said and watched as Ciela stood up, he wrapped the towel around her body and lifted her out of the tub. He placed her on the ground and took hold of her chin tilted her head up looking at her, "Now then... Why do you ask if I've had sex with anyone else since you've been gone," He asked.

"I just want to know..." She pushed him away and walked into her bedroom to her wardrobe and she pulled out her black satin small nightgown. She dried her body and goes to put on the nightgown, but Sebastian placed his hands on hers stopping her, "Sebastian?"

"Isn't that a bit too small?" He asked, "I don't remember making that for you," He smirked and looked down at her.

"I've worn shorter and more revealing clothes," She told him and looked at his hands, "Are you suggesting I shouldn't sleep in anything?" 

"No, I'm suggesting you sleep in something more elegant," Sebastian released her and turned to her wardrobe, he went to get her something longer to wear. 

As he did that she placed on her nightgown, she sat down on her bed and curled her legs, "Sebastian, join me and let's have this talk," She said.

He turned around, "Of course, My Lady," He said and sat down opposite her and looked over her appearance, "Well, even if it isn't proper attire, you look good."

"Thank you, I altered it," She told him, "So, talk."

"I've had sex... Mindless sex with another to get information as there wasn't another way of which I could get it. Due to an annoying reaper," Sebastian told her, "Why did you ask?"

"Well, I was curious. As I'm sure you're itching to ask me a question."

"You and... Lance... But me... What are we?"

"Mistress and Butler," She smirked and leaned forward then whispered in his ear, "We both comfort each other, in multiple ways," She told him and got back into position.

"I see and why is that?" He asked.

"I don't know, it has never been ordered and you have a mate bond contract on your neck... But we still did stuff," She told him, "I don't know who she is though, you always said that I would meet her one day when I found out more about myself."

"I see," Sebastian leaned forward and tucked some of her hair behind her ear, "Now then, may I speak openly with you?"

"Sebastian, you can speak however you wish with me. No need to ask," She smiled at him.

"It is hard to put into words, especially for me  who has locked everything up and it's hard to speak about human emotions when we are not," He started.

"If you can't say them, how about show them?" She asked.

"Show them?" He smirked and leaned forward brushing their noses against each other, "As you wish," He pressed his lips against hers.

Ciela moved her lips in sync with his and she moves over his lap, straddling his lap. Her fingers tangled in Sebastians hair, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Neither one of them breaking the kiss.

Sebastian laid down and Ciela hovered over him, he licks her bottom lip pushing into her mouth. She parts her lips a little and their kiss becomes passionate and deep.

There was a knock on the door, "Ciela? Are you still awake?" Ciel asked.

Ciela got under covers and Sebastian went under her bed, " Yes I'm awake, what is the matter?" She asked and Ciel walked in looking around.

"I need to ask you something," He walked to her bed and sat on it, "How did you leave?"

"The Undertaker, he wrote in my cinematic record book that I went home and then I was and then after six weeks, I am back here, but it seems like it won't work again... Like I said before, I am stuck," She told him, "I skipped to the end of your diary and I never return home again."

Ciel looked at her, "I see, so why was Sebastian here?" He asked.

"A quick remeasure of my sizing so he could alter my clothing," She told him, "My sizing in one area has changed after all."

"Very well," He stood up, "I'll let you sleep," He left the room.

Ciela looked at him then looked up to see Sebastian over her body, "Is that what you need of me?"

"Yes, I do need remeasuring," Ciela smiled and the two kissed passionately, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," Sebastian whispered, "Two demons showing human emotions, it is quite amusing to say the least."

"It is yes," Ciela said with a smile

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