Chapter Seven

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Hey peeps! First of all, I'd like to mention, the new character with the black suit and stuff is an original character I made to spice up the story! Just in case you guys were wondering :P

Let's get on with the Spideypool!


12:47 P.M

After about an hour of looking around for Deadpool wherever he may be, I stop at a taco shop and grab myself some lunch.

I leave my suit in an ally so I don't have to be Spiderman getting a taco and getting swarmed by a crowd of people. And I'm kind of happy I did.

When I walk up to order a plain soft taco, I notice something. Or someone. 

I look next to me and see someone I recognize...

Oh my gosh. It's the guy from the wedding! 

He notices me and I see his eyes widen. 

"Peter Parker? I didn't know you lived around here!" The man with the scarred face exclaims.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked angrily.

"Geez, why so salty? I'm just tryin' to be nice!" He says, grabbing his taco from the counter. "Let's catch up a little! Come sit down with me?" He asks. 

I suppose by sitting talking to him I could understand why he's so... creepy. But why does he want to talk to me? I watch him grit his teeth trying to keep a confident face as he gestures towards a table on the right of him. 

"Whatever." I give in. 

"Woohoo!" He says waving his taco in the air, everything almost spilling out. I narrow my eyes and we sit down across from each other. 

"You got 5 minutes." I say.

"Whoa okay just trying to have a normal conversation-" He begins, then I see him look to the side. It seems like he's trying to figure out what to say. I narrow my eyes at him.

"You know what, forget it." I say, standing up from my chair quickly.

"Baby boy wait! Sweetheart! My one and only!" The man calls chasing after me, dropping his taco. He runs up to me and grabs my arm, spinning me around.

"Look, I don't know who the hell you are, or why you're acting like this, but please just leave me alone you creep!" I say, ripping out of his grip and speed-walking away. He isn't following me now as far as I can tell, so I make a couple turns in some alleys and reach the one with my suit. I slip into my suit and swing up to the roof of a tall building. 

"Who is Peter Parker?" A voice behind me says. I turn around and see Deadpool standing on the other side of the building's roof.

"Deadpool! I've been looking all around for you. Where have you- wait. Did you say Peter Parker?" I ask, just now comprehending what he said.

"Yeeeah, aren't you two close buddies? He takes your pictures for you?" Pool asks, casually walking up closer to me.

"Uhm, uhh, I don't know who you're talking about-"

"Oh come on sweet cheeks, you're a terrible liar." He says.

"Why are you asking?" I change the subject.

"I dunno, just wondering. What does it take to get that close to the great Spiderman?" He asks, now only about a foot away.

"Deadpool, please, drop the subject. Peter is just my camera person, nothing more. What does it matter anyways?" 

"Nothing, it doesn't matter to me at all sweetums." He says cheerfully, then he pulls out his dual swords. "Now I've got some people to unalive..."

"Wait, first of all, no. You're not unalive-ing anybody on my watch," I say, he lets out an 'awww' but then puts his swords away. "Second of all, I need to talk to you."

"What could you possibly need from me?" He asks, letting out a chuckle, "Oh I think I know-"

"It's about someone. This guy, he broke into my house last night and nearly killed me. I need your help to track him down." 

"Aww man, I was so totally wrong." He says, facepalming. I roll my eyes and continue.

"Anyways, do you think you could help me?" 

"Of course, anything for you baby boy." He flicks his finger up under my chin. I let out an annoyed sigh but my cheeks probably resemble a tomato.

"Let's get to work, please." 

4:17 P.M

"Mary Jane please just drop it, I'm sorry for skipping Monday. I know the presentation was due but I was really sick and-"

"No, Peter don't even try that with me. I know you were probably too lazy to get up and you slept in and played video games all day or something. Come on Peter, I know things are hard but that's no excuse to skip school."

"You have no idea," I blurt, then quickly change the subject, "Well I'll have to talk to you later MJ, I have homework to catch up on." 

"Whatever Peter. Goodbye." She says, and I hear the phone hang up. I sigh and blink away the tears forming in my eyes. God I miss me and MJ. 

I continue walking down the street on my way to the coffee shop. The hot sun beating down on my pale face. I make it to the coffee shop and order a mocha frappe and continue down the street. 

"Hey! It's penis Parker!!" Someone calls in front of me. I see Flash and his buddies sitting at a table outside a restaurant. I roll my eyes and grit my teeth as I turn back the other way. Flash's insults are something I don't need right now. 

I pull out my phone and scroll through my instagram. Eventually I stumble upon an account of a person I now recognize. 

"Wade Wilson." So that's the name of the guy with the scarred face. In an attempt to turn off my phone, I happen to request to follow the account. Crap. Too late to turn back now, he's gonna get the notification anyways so why not. 

I turn off my phone and wait to be accepted. 

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