Chapter Twelve

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5:24 P.M
Wade's POV

[What are you gonna do? Just barge into his house and shoot him in the head?]

"Why yes, that's what I do with everyone else." I tell my box. I rev up my motorcycle and hit the gas. The continuous city buzz surrounding me.

{I can't wait to see his face!}

[What?! Will you stop being so sick?! That's gross!]

{Just being truthful}

"Shut up I'm driving." I tell them, passing all the red lights and barely swerving past a semi-truck.

[I wouldn't exactly call that driving, Wade]

"It's close enough." I say, making my way to another intersection.

[Wade that's a red light-]

Suddenly, I hear a screech of brakes.

[WADE!] Is the last thing I hear before my vision goes black.

5:38 P.M

"Hello? Is this Sally's pizza?" I ask into the phone. It takes a second for someone to reply, but I hear one.

"Yes it is. Would you like to place an order?" A woman asks.

"Yes please, one medium pizza with olives, peppers, and pepperoni under Peter Parker please." I reply. She tells me my order will be here soon, and the call ends. I decided to order pizza while Aunt May was out on vacation, because I didn't feel like cooking anything.

I sigh and fall back onto my brown lumpy couch. I lean over and turn on the T.V.

"-a crash on Sunflower street has just taken place. The incident was with one small car that got a large dent, and a motorcycle that was thrown across the road and ran over... the operator of the motorcycle appearing to be none other than the all too famous Deadpool! Before we could reach the crash site, Deadpool seemed to be gone and the others seemed to be unharmed despite the intensity of the crash. There were claims of a small fire but we don't currently have vision on one."

"Wade?" I ask, standing up from my couch. I grab my phone off the coffee table and scroll through my contacts, finding Deadpool's. I press call.

5:43 P.M
Wade's POV

I can't. I can't pick up.


{Isn't it obvious?}


"I'm about to kill his best friend. I'd rather not talk to him right now!" I yell at my boxes. But nobody can hear me from the top of this building.

{Hahaha poor Wade} 

"Shut up..." I say, then jump off the building.

I have all night, I bet one more hit from concrete can't be that bad. 


6:00 P.M

"Damn, where is that pizza?!" I ask, "I've been waiting for almost a half hour!" I roll my eyes, placing my elbows on the counter with my head in my hands.

I suppose I'm just a little stressed because Deadpool didn't pick up.

"I'm sure it was just a crash and he's fine. He's invincible right? Maybe he was just busy... maybe he was on a mission or something. I mean, that's probably not the best considering he kills everyone he goes after... but it's better than him being dead." I reassure myself.

How to kill Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now