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10 years later...

"Papa! Papa! Look at what I made!" The young girl's voice echoed throughout the apartment halls.

"Hey hey shush, people are sleeping, Ellie. What's up?" Wade asks quietly, pulling his hood down and bending down beside his daughter. 

"I made a pachycephalosaurus!" She held a large paper and pencil in her hand and began jumping up and down excitedly. 

"A packy-what-o-ah-whata?!" Wade asked. She stopped jumping around and showed Wade the paper. The drawing consisted of a bunch of squiggly lines and what must resemble spikes. 

"Did you know the name pachycephalosaurus means 'thick headed lizard', referring to the  extremely thick skin on it's head that can grow up to ten inches?" A voice called from down the hall. Wade stood up at the sound of his beloved husband's voice and grinned.

"I know what else can grow up to-"

"Wade!" Peter scolded, "There are children!" he said, adjusting his glasses that now rested atop his nose. Wade thought the glasses were adorable. 

"How you doin' baby boy?" Wade chuckled as Peter approached. They hugged and Wade pecked Peter on the forehead-a normal daily reunion. Peter was still in his work clothes: a normal white fancy shirt with a black blazer, black pants and a black tie, but tonight his clothes were covered with a soft, grey winter coat. 

"Could you stop calling me those atrocious nicknames?" Peter asked, annoyed. 

"Oh come on, you like it." Wade argued playfully.

"Not in public, at least?" Peter asked, a light blush creeping up onto his cheeks. Wade knew Peter always loved his pet names.

"I'm still here, ya know!" Ellie said, waving her paper around. 

Peter held out his hands and she jumped into his arms, grinning. "Off to home we go!" She exclaimed. Peter kissed her cheek and smiled. 

Wade knew what he had was special. He had the privilege to have a husband, and a daughter, both the lights of his life. He learned over the last couple years that family was all he really needed. He needed somebody to lean on. Somebody to talk to. Somebody to make dinner for. Somebody to hug him when he needed hugs. 

And these two? They were all of that and more. 

"Babe, you coming?" His husband asked from down the hall. Wade hadn't even realized he had zoned out. 

"I'll be right there, mi amor." Wade answered, a slight smile on his face. Peter nodded and continued down the hall with Ellie, disappearing around the corner. Wade knew if he still had his boxes, they would've made some kind of comment by now. Something to drag him down, to ruin the moment- but they've been gone for years now. They disappeared about a year after him and Peter started dating. He was thankful for that, too. Now he was left, standing alone in the hall, to his own thoughts.

Wade stood there for a second, a wave of gratitude washing over him.

He loved Peter and Ellie with all of his heart, he would never let anything happen to them.

Wade was finally, for once in his fucked-up, crazy, depressing life... at peace.

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