Chapter Twenty Nine

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Warning: This chapter includes triggering themes.

5:31 P.M
Wade's POV

{Vanessa's better off without you}

[Stop saying that!]

{So is Peter}

[Shut up you're hurting him!]

{That's the point smart one. Plus, you know it's true. Wade is a fuck up, a mistake. Cancer was supposed to kill him, but he was turned into a mutant instead. Nobody will ever love him- how could they? He doesn't know how to love. He's a monster. A disgrace. He should just die.}

I stood in the room filled with canisters of illegal chemicals.

{Do it}

[Stop it! Wade come on!]

I didn't say anything. The voices were too distant, too disconnected from my own thoughts. It wasn't relieving though, nothing's relieving besides the thought of just... letting go. 

The room was empty. Dark. Only the light from the green glowing liquid in the containers lit up the space. 

[He's in the next room over! The bad guy! Do what you always do, Wade. Kill the bad guys!]

{That's not what he wants to do and you know it}

I pull out both of my katanas and kick open the door, leading me to a room filled with multiple people. They all instantly raised their hand guns at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Have you guys ever learned how to greet a guest?"

5:32 P.M

I clung to the side of the plane, losing my grip a bit-nearly slipping off-before I retained my balance. I let out a shaky breath.

"Come on Peter," I started, then grunted while fighting against the force of the winds, slowly climbing towards the door, "You got this... come on."

I mean, I've never climbed the side of a plane before so I didn't know what to expect, but damn this is hard.

Finally, I reach the door. I lift my hand up to grab the latch, but I slip. I let out a screech as I fly back, hitting the side of the plane a couple times before sticking on again right before being sucked into the motor blades.

"Fuck me..." I said out of breath, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I was scared. No, I was terrified. But that wasn't going to stop me. 

I used all of my strength to continue climbing, attempting to steady my all-too-shaky hands before I slip again. I make it to the door again, and this time I make sure I don't fly back. I pull the door open and grab onto the handle for dear life-of course it swings outward, how could I expect different? 

I make my way into the plane, finally, and yank the door closed, falling to the floor. I was in a small room with two doors on either side. Nobody was here.

I let out a breath and stand up, looking around. 

Then I hear gunshots.


5:36 P.M
Wade's POV

{Haha! Look at this loser!}

[I know right! This guard can't even hit a single shot!]

{I'm talking about Wade you dipshit!}


I take in a couple bullets-not like it matters anyways- and hit back most of the others. There's a grin on my face as I kill the guards one by one. But I wasn't enjoying this, in particular. I was merely enjoying the last couple minutes of my life. Not like it would matter if I died anyways- I nearly killed Peter, I disappointed Vanessa, I've gone back to my old killing habits, I'm a terrible person, the list goes on forever! And there's nobody here to stop me.

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