Chapter Sixteen

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5:30 P.M

I get out of the bathroom, all dressed up in my tux. I even put a red bowtie on to finish off the look. I comb my hair and tie my nice dress shoes that I don't remember getting. I pop a mint in my mouth, and I'm headed out. 

According to google maps, Yummo's is right down the street. Which is good for me, because I don't have a car so I can just walk. As I'm making my way through town, there's a flower shop to my right. I stop for a second and look inside the big square windows. 

"Perfect." I say when I find a nice bouquet of red roses. I walk inside with a wide grin on my face and select the bouquet I saw through the window, then make my way to the cash register.

A lady with long dark hair smiles as I buy the flowers.

"Who's the lucky person?" She asks with a smile on her face. I blush and tell her about MJ. 

"Oh that's nice, I'm happy for you. Good luck." She says, handing me the flowers. I thank her. "Have a great day!" The nice lady worker tells me as I'm walking out of the store. I turn around and wave to her as I leave the store.

I can already see the big white "YUMMO'S" sign shining in the evening glow. Days are getting shorter, meaning autumn is approaching. 

I clear my throat and fix my posture as I push open the double doors. 

"Hello and welcome to Yummo's! Do you have a reservation?" A french man asks me. 

"Yes, for Parker?" I say.

He nods and points me to a table to the left of the entrance. I start walking, but he stops me.

"Wait. Have I seen you before?" He asks. I turn around and look at him confused. 

"I-I don't think s-"

"You had a reservation for Wilson right?"

"Sorry I don't recognize that name. I don't think it was me." I say nervously. He just nods and signals for me to go. 

I walk up to the table, and sit down waiting for MJ. I adjust my bowtie and straighten up my suit as she approaches. 

"Hey Peter!" She grins, sitting down in front of me. My eyes widen at the beautiful golden dress she's wearing.

"You look beautiful MJ." I compliment. She thanks me and run her fingers through her hair. 

"So how is everything?" She asks. 

"Alright, I guess. It can be hard sometimes, without Aunt May and all." I say, then clear my throat. 

"Yeah, I get that. I'm sorry Peter." She says, putting her hand on top of mine. I smile and tilt my head. 

Suddenly, my spidey sense goes off. 

"MJ get down!" I shriek, getting up from the table and pulling her to the ground. As this happens, a car comes crashing through the window next to us.

"Peter what's happening?!" MJ cries. I get off of her and pull her to her feet. 

"We need to get out of here, lets go!" I say, pulling her wrist. She runs along with me and we barely make it to the front door before a man in black armour appears in front of us. 

I gasp and grab MJ running the other way. He chases after us. I pull her towards me and tell her to run. She nods and runs towards the bathroom, and I hear it lock. 

"Remember me?" The man asks. 

"Actually, I don't." I say, getting into battle position. 

"You will." He says, then runs at me with a katana. He tries running and striking me in the abdomen, but I dodge out of the way and turn around, pushing him to the ground. He rolls over and gets up, coming at me again. I do a backflip high enough for him to run directly under me. 

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