Chapter Thirty

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5:34 P.M
Wade's POV

I've already accepted my fate. Today I was finally going to rest, after so many failed attempts I could finally do it.

But the look on his face. 

He stood there, stunned. I watched his face go white and he went back into that fuzzy state he was in all those nights ago. It took everything for me to not apologize. It took everything not to take it back. Because I had already chosen; the world was better without me. The world was better without a toxic, depressed, weird-ass fucking maniac.

Everything I had just spat out of my mouth was a complete lie. I would never, ever hurt him intentionally. Not my baby boy. And I don't love him? Bullshit. I've loved him for so long. But I can't let my feelings decide how this goes down... I know what I have to do. Peter deserves someone better. Someone mentally stable. Someone who will take him out to romantic dinners and hold his hand while walking in the park and sit on the beach with him at sunset and feed him soup when he's sick... someone who knows how to love. 

He locked eyes with me and I pursed my lips to hide what I really felt. Despite looking me in the eyes, he wasn't here. He was lost.

I swallowed hard and lifted my head a bit.

"Leave." I croaked, voice nearly cracking. A few more minutes with him and I would break down.

{Just kill yourself already!}

[Look at how disappointed you've made Peter...]

I am a disappointment.

{Imagine if we did shoot Peter though. That would be HILARIOUS!}

[Shut the fuck up!]

{No you, bitch!}

His eyes began to water.

[What have you done?]

I didn't do anything!


[You shouldn't have threatened him! Idiot]

How else am I gonna get him out of here?

He drops the parachute.

I grit my teeth, "Peter." I say a bit too tauntingly. 

"Guess you're gonna have to shoot me. Because I'm not leaving."


5:35 P.M

I'm not leaving. No way in hell was I going to leave Wade here to die, even if it kills me. He wouldn't kill me. He wouldn't.

I just have to hold onto that thought.

He furrows his brows. I cross my arms and swallow the lump in my throat. Whether he loves me or not is irrelevant- I care too much for him for it to matter. He can do as he pleases once we get out of this plane, but I was not about to let his death be on my hands. Not when I can stop it. 

"Wade," I begin, remembering his request to stop saying 'Wade, please.'  I shift a bit, "I won't let you die." 

He doesn't respond. Instead he pulls out a combat knife. My heart rate quickens.

He wouldn't kill me. He wouldn't. He won't kill me. He won't.

He starts walking towards me and I take a step back instinctively, but I wasn't about to back down from this. I stood my ground and stared him in the eyes, tears now slowly streaming down my cheeks.

He wouldn't. He wouldn't. He wouldn't.

Despite being absolutely terrified, I settled my arms back down at my sides. I'm not sure entirely what I'm doing. I'm not sure if today is going to be my last day on Earth or not.

No Peter don't think like that. He wouldn't. He wouldn't.

"You wouldn't." I choke out in a whisper. He looks at me confused, then his face forms into what I could only guess was sadness. He drops the knife and I jump a bit from the sudden noise in the quiet room, but I didn't move my gaze. He was only inches away. 

He lets out a shaky breath and suddenly I'm pulled into a hug. He's not crying, but his head is buried into my shoulder. My heart races, and my tears can't be stopped now.

He didn't. He didn't. 

He wouldn't have... right?


"Shut up. Just shut up." He commands. I swallow another lump in my throat and force myself to stop crying as he holds me tight. I didn't understand the situation. Did I do the right thing?

He pulls away from the hug and I wipe my eyes and notice he was now crying a bit too. God we were both such emotional messes. 

"You need to leave." He states. 

And just when I thought he was done with this.

"Wade come on not this again."

"Peter you don't understand. I'm no good for you," He bends down and grabs the parachute off the ground, then walks up to me and grabs my wrist, pulling me to the room I was first in. 

"Wade what are you doing?" I ask frantically, trying to pull from his grip as he practically drags me to the door. I grit my teeth. 


He opens the door.

"Stop!" I screech, pulling from his grip, but getting no luck. I lift up my free hand to shoot a web at him, but he dodges and it hits the wall. He then grabs my other wrist with the hand that was holding the first wrist. He could fit both of my wrists in one of his hands.

"Stop fighting Peter! I'm doing what's good for you!" He unbuckles one of the straps of the parachute.

"Wade you're not thinking straight! Come on, this is crazy!" I yelled, but it was no use. The wind from the open door was moving my brown curls in all different directions. I was crying again, but I wasn't sure if it was the wind on my eyes or the situation I was in. Or both.

He manages to unfold the parachute and forcefully pulls one of my arms through the straps. I'm too stunned to resist. He was really gonna do this. 

Once he finally got the entire parachute on, I snap back into reality and try to pull out of his grip he had on my hands. I kicked at his legs and pulled as hard as I could, but my attempts were powerless against him. 

"Wade! Wade stop!" I screech as he moves me towards the door. He doesn't say anything, he just grits his teeth. I'm bawling, now. "Wade! Wade!"

He can't seem to hear me.

He pushes me to the frame of the door. I hold onto the frame and he backs up a step, but not far enough for me to escape. He looks at me, finally with a look that isn't just determination. 

"Goodbye, Peter." He says. I barely let out a screech before I'm shoved out the door.

How to kill Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now