Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Peter wait-"

Before I even let him finish his sentence I jolt out of my position and jump off the roof. 

It's Wade, Wade is up here with me. 

I shoot a web at the nearest building and stick onto it, turning my head around to look at Wade.

"Baby boy- Peter- please let me explain-" He cries, running up to the edge of the roof, looking up at me. 

"I am not your goddamn baby boy!" I screech, voice cracking. Come on Peter get it together, if you're gonna break down at least don't do it in front of Wade. 

"Petey-" He starts, then takes off his mask. I study his scarred face in the darkness, I could make out something that resembled sadness and guilt, which makes this a lot harder for me to stay mad at him. But I wasn't just going to forgive what he did. "I-I-I didn't mean it, it was a mission from taskmaster and I agreed to it but then I realized I had feelings for you, Spidey-"

"Then why the hell did you shoot me?!" I yell. He seems to wince at my words. 

"Because I didn't know you were Spiderman! I-I was too dumb to put the pieces of the puzzle together, Peter. I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it." I say harshly, not recognizing my own voice. It was either be mean or break down, and I was not all for the breaking down option. I cleared my throat and looked up, wanting to say more but knowing I had to stay strong. I shot a web above me and lifted into the air. 

"Peter-" was all I heard before I reached the top of the roof. I looked down, to see Wade still standing there, looking right back at me. I pursed my lips and turned around, making my way back to my apartment. 

7:24 P.M

My weekend was just filled with two things: fighting crime and watching T.V. Along with a couple mental breakdowns here and there. 

Fighting crime really got my mind off of Wade. I even decorated my house a bit. I put a portrait of me and Aunt May on the wall next to the couch, and a class photo next to it. I unboxed a lot more things and decorated my room. But it still didn't fix that empty feeling in my chest I've had for the last few days. 

I finish up my homework and turn off the stove, putting the eggs on a plate. Breakfast for dinner, I guess. 

4:39 P.M

This week went by slowly. Filled with tests and my after-school job and getting beat up by flash- my high school bully who apparently also chose to study what I did in college- I think it's safe to say I've had better weeks. 

I enter my apartment and throw my bag onto the floor, closing my door behind me. I let out a sigh and run my fingers through my hair, making my way to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and hop in, the hot steamy water relaxing my tense muscles. I finish up and dry off, hearing a ding! come from my phone. Still in my towel, I turn on my phone and read the message. 

It's from Wade. Why haven't I blocked him yet? Or unfollowed his instagram that he's texting me from?

"I need your help." 

I ignore it. It's probably just a stupid way for him to try and meet up with me to redeem himself. 

Would he do that?

I turn off my phone and sigh, setting it on the counter by the sink. I get dressed and log onto my laptop in my room, scrolling through my skype contacts. I get a call from MJ. 

I accept it.

"Hey Parker!" She greets in an all-too-cheerful mood. I look up at the screen, looking like a mess. My hair was wet and unbrushed, and I had dark circles around my eyes. 

"Hey MJ." I said tiredly, giving a weak wave. 

"How have you been?" She asks, a smile still on her face. But I could hear a hint of worry in her voice. 

"Tired." I reply. She nods sympathetically. 

"How are you doing with Wade?" She asks, her smile fading now.

"Better." I had told her everything that happened, I needed someone to go to. I mean not everything, obviously, she doesn't know I'm Spiderman, or that Wade shot me, but she does know how much it hurt me. 

She nods. "I'm glad."

"How's everything in Florida?" I ask, trying to change the subject. She's been in Florida all week with her friend Mariah, and we've video called almost every night.

"Great! We went swimming today, and it was hot- 86 degrees to be exact! But we still had lots of fun." She grins. 

"That's cool!" I say, trying to return the grin. Usually I was the one to help her with her studies, but she's been helping me with mine all week over calls, despite being gone. I grab my backpack and bring it over, pulling out my English homework. We have to write an essay, 4 pages, due Monday. MJ agreed to help me get a head start on it today, because I had no idea where to begin. 

"Okay so MJ basically-" I begin, but I'm cut off. By a knock. I put my papers down and look at the screen. 

"Peter?" She asks. 

"Was that your door?" I ask, hoping it was just somebody knocking on her door and I overheard it. She shook her head. 

"No... Peter what's going on?" 

Someone knocks again. "I'll be right back, MJ." I say, getting up. She tells me okay and starts a conversation with her friend. I trip over my backpack and a bunch of papers spill out. "Shit!" I curse, stepping on some of them while stumbling to the door. I try kicking some back in the general direction of the backpack and finally make it to the door. 

I sigh and open it, looking up through my matted hair at the person standing in my doorway. 

I'm lost for words. Of all the people in the world to show up at my door, this is one of the least I've expected. 

It's Vanessa. Wade's ex.


Hehehe! Why do you think Vanessa is here?! 

Also thank you for the "inspiration" Kai :)

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