Chapter Eleven

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6:30 P.M

I come inside, breathless, soaked from the unwarned rain. 

"Peter! Why didn't you call me? I could have picked you up! Are you alright?" Aunt May comes up to me. I just smile and hug her. She's confused at first, but she hugs back despite my wet clothing. 

"I love you Aunt May, never forget that." I tell her. She just smiles and asks, 

"Peter are you okay?" 

I give her a reassuring smile and tell her it's okay, that the date went well. 

It did... well, until, you know. 

"Okay, well I'm just making sure. I'll stop bugging you now Petey." She says, relieved, and the nickname reminds me once again of Wade. Wade aka Deadpool. Wade aka the mercenary who kills for pay and always makes comments about my ass. 

May puts a hand on my cheek and looks at me with admiration in her eyes, "You know Peter, I'm proud of you and the young man you've become." She says. I lean my head into her hand and smile softly. She gives me a kiss on the forehead and walks into the bathroom. I run a hand through my hair and make my way to my room. 

I close the white creaky door behind me and look into my dimly lit room. I let out a breath and walk to my bed. 

It's not that big of a deal. 

Is it?

I mean I just figured out who Deadpool is...

But that doesn't mean he's not the lovable yet annoying mercenary he's been for the last couple months we've known each other. 

Wait. Did he say he had a crush on me?!

My eyes widen and I hear my phone ding. 

I pull the phone out of my pants (still need to change out of this tux) and I see a DM from Wade.

'Hey everything okay?'

I gulp and reply,

'Yeah, sorry, family emergency.' 

'You sure? All you did was look at me with this terrified look. I didn't see a phone in your hand or anything...'

I tell him I was on the phone with my family in the bathroom and that's why he didn't know. He read my message but didn't reply. I turn my phone off and walk to the bathroom to change out of this tux. 

8:29 P.M

"Spidey? It's Pool. Um, can you please pick up the phone? I'm worried about you. I-uh, I guess I kinda just wanna get some stuff off my mind. If you're listening, please pick up." 

I let out a sigh and turn off my phone. 

What do I do?! Do I confront him about it? Do I keep it secret? I'm so confused. 

I think maybe the best thing would be to keep it to myself and ask him about it when we're in a more private place or something. 

Yeah, that'll work. 

I pick up the phone and dial Deadpool's number.

3:22 P.M

I had just gotten home and already I'm changing into my spider-suit. Deadpool, or, Wade, wants to meet up at 3:45 at the ice-cream shop near the bay. I don't want to be suspicious so I agreed, and maybe I could ask him about... You know, Wade and Deadpool and stuff.

But how would I start that conversation? How would I change the topic?

I guess that's just something for me to figure out later. I throw on my mask and head out. 

3:43 P.M

I swing over to the bench and sit next to Deadpool. 

"You're here early Spidey." He comments. 

"So are you." I reply. I think I see a cheeky smile under that mask, but I can't do the same. I just feel so weird knowing who he really is and him not knowing. 

"So what's up? What do you wanna talk about?" I ask nervously. 

"You okay Spidey? You sound a little flushed. Is it my dashing looks? My sexy smile? I know, it's probably that." He says, which is his way of asking if I'm okay.

"I'm fine I guess." I say, and he lets out a dramatic sigh. 

"Whatever you say Webs. Anyways! Remember that date I told you about last night? Well he totally just ditched me! I don't know what I did but he just got up and left with no explanation. Maybe my looks were too good for him. But I just... I don't know, I never go on dates and this was the first in a while and it kinda hurt you know?"

"I'm sorry..." I breath.

"What did you say?" Pool asked. 

My eyes widen, "N-nothing! I was just thinking...heh." I say awkwardly.

"Just thinking, huh?" He says, then moves closer to me, "Thinking about what baby boy?" He says, his arm wrapping on the bench behind me. There's no hiding the blush now. Thank god I have this mask on.

I back up a bit and awkwardly look away.

"Oh is sweet cheeks blushing? Don't worry baby, I can bang you so hard you won't even think about blushing." He says.

"Alright that's enough." I say, pushing him away and standing up. 

There is absolutely no way I am falling for a mercenary who creepily showed up at a family wedding and flirted with me at the taco bar and went to hell's kitchen with me to see Matt when I was going through a hard time... who gave me a hug when I was silently crying through my mask... who bought me nachos at the festival in July... who always knows the right way to make me blush even if it's dumb flirting... who patched up my cuts and scratches after a fight while ALSO keeping my identity hidden even to him... who even with those scars on his face, is beautiful in every way.

This isn't happening! 

"Whoa there sweetums, I was just kidding," He smirks under his mask, "I mean... unless..."

"Shut up!" I blush, putting my head in my hands. He just chuckles and stands up off the bench.

He gets closer to me and my blood starts pumping. Shivers run down my spine and my breath gets shallow. 

What's happening?

He comes closer to me and puts his hand on my cheek.

Just like Aunt May. 

I bet you any money he's doing this to mess with me. I push his hand away and cross my arms.

"Nice try." I say, trying to be confident. 

He just smirks under his mask again, and it goes silent.

"Catch you later, Pool." I say, and turn around shooting a web to the building behind us.

5:10 P.M
Wade's POV

You know what, forget it! Spiderman is a lost cause. How could I ever think it would work?! It's hilarious. He's sending so many mixed signals it's unreal.

[Yes but you can't just give up like that!]

{Yes he can! Spiderman is totally not impressed by Wade's terrible moves towards him. It's hopeless.}

Exactly. At least someone gets it. 

"Tonight is going to be the night," I murmur, putting my gun in my holster, "I'm done holding it back, I need to take charge like I do with everyone else," I continue, tightening my mask on my head, "And nobody's going to stop me." 

I take a breath and look at myself in the mirror. 

"Tonight is the night I'm going to kill Peter Parker."

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