Chapter Twenty Two

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<< I'm beginning to write this on the same night.
Guess we'll just sUrPaSs that 12 hour mark.
Okay in reality I think I'm gonna write like 2 sentences and finish it another day. Either way, enjoy lovelies. <3

8:50 P.M

I hear my doorbell ring. I walk up to it and open the door to see Wade.

"You ready to go baby boy?" He asks, leaning against the frame of the doorway. Time to see what this surprise thingy is all about.

"Yes, Wade." I say, grabbing my phone off the table and walking to the doorway. Wade backs up as I walk out of my apartment, turning around to close and lock the door. 

"Where exactly are you taking me?" I ask as we walk down the stairs. 

"I told you sweetums it's a surprise!" Wade says. 

"You know I never approved of those ridiculous nicknames." I tell him when we reach the last level and make our way to the front door.

"But you never disapproved." Wade points out, and we walk out the doors. 

"Still." I say, crossing my arms as we approach the motorcycle.

Wade sits on the motorcycle and I follow. I sigh and bite my lip.

"Alright, take me away."

9:12 P.M

"You're off work tomorrow right?" Wade asks as we come to a stop.

"Yes, why?" I ask nervously.

"No reason." He says as he turns the motorcycle off. We walk up to a small brown building.

"What is this?" I ask Wade.

"Shh, just walk." He says, walking alongside me. I raise an eyebrow as we walk up the stairs and he opens the large brown door. I walk inside and look around.

"Wade. A bar?" I ask, turning towards him.

"Not just any bar. The bar. It has the best whisky if you ask me. Come on in!" Wade says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me forwards. I follow, but worry spreads across my face. 

"But Wade I'm not 21." I whisper into his ear. 

"There's this thing called acting, it's really helpful you should try it." He says as we hop onto stools in front of the counter. 

"Why are we doing this?" I ask.

"Because you haven't had a single drink in your life and I wanted your first to be with me." Wade grins. 

"How do you know I've never had a drink?" I ask.

He tilts his head and raises his eyebrow.

"Okay you're right..." I say, "But isn't that illegal?" I whisper.

"That makes it fun!" Wade exclaims. I shake my head and look around the dimly lit bar. There are several tables in the small area, and big yellow lights hang from the ceiling above them. There's a pool table near the corner, and a T.V. displaying a football game.

"How can I help you?" A tired woman with a cloth in her hand asks us. 

"Two suburbans please." Wade tells her.

"Would you like to start a tap?" She asks.

"Yes." Wade tells her. I just look at the woman. She looks at me but doesn't even ask my age. She turns around and grabs two glasses, then pours a light brown drink into them. 

"Wade, are you sure about this?" I ask as he picks up his glass.

"Nope." He says, drinking the shot by slightly tilting his head back. "You try it." He says when he's done. I look down into the glass and look back up at him.

"I dunno Wade..." 

"Come on Peter I didn't bring you here for nothing." Wade says, then asks the lady for another shot. I gulp and look back at the glass.

It's just a shot. Just alcohol. Come on Peter.

I bite my tongue and look at Wade. 

"Well?" He says, looking at me.

"Here goes nothing."

9:15 P.M
Wade's POV

[He's actually doing it!]

{I can't wait to see this!}

He takes the shot and gulps it down. Then the alcohol hits him. He closes his eyes and makes a gross face shivering. He starts coughing and puts the glass on the table.

"You okay baby boy?" I tease. He looks up at me with watery eyes.

"I think so?" He says, then manages a smile. 

[He's so cute]

I drink my shot with ease and Peter just stares at me in confusion and astonishment. 

"How the heck do you do it so easily?!" He asks.

"You get used to it." I say, tapping for our glasses to be filled again. Peter looks at me again, as if to say, "I have to do it again?"

I just smile as the lady pours our glasses. Peter picks up the glass and looks at it for a second, then quickly downs it, shivering as he consumes the strong liquid. 

He looks up and gives me a smile, I nod in response. 

[They grow up so fast]

{Well technically this is illegal but yeah, our baby boy is trying alcohol!}

[The way he squints his eyes after he takes a shot is too cute]

Peter taps in for another shot.

"Another one baby boy?" I tease. The woman casually pours Peter another shot. Peter gulps it down like a champ.

"Damn look at you sweet cheeks!" I compliment when he puts the glass on the counter, coughing. I can't help but laugh at his reaction. He runs his fingers through his hair and seems to be recoiling. Then he looks up at me and shakes his head, calling another tap. 

{Dang he is going all out}

[Should we stop him?]

"Nah, this is too good." I say with a grin as I watch Peter take the shot. 

[He's gonna be falling to the floor before night even rolls around]


[This is most definitely not what I expected when we were to come here]

{Then what did you expect?}

[I don't know, maybe to try new drinks with a friend?!]

"Shut up." I whisper to them as he taps a fifth drink.

"Peter slow down that's a lot to have in a short amount of time." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder. He turns to me sleepily and puts his hand on my hand.

"But it's fun." He says. I raise an eyebrow.

[Is he getting drunk already?]

{He's never had a drink in his life, so probably}

"Okay whatever you say sweetums." I say, lifting my hand off his shoulder. He slowly moves his face to meet mine and smiles, then turns to take the fifth shot. 

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