Chapter Nine

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Hey look, I updated!

Note ~ Updates may still be infrequent, but I'm trying my best I promise!


When we finally got into the building, all I can think about is tearing off that mask. I mean... what if I see Wade Wilson? What if it really is him? I wouldn't be surprised honestly, but that nightmare felt so real. 

"Okay sweetums, we need to go all super stealth on this one. Let's be the teenage mutant ninja turtles! I'll be Leonardo, and you can be the rat!" 

I turn to him with an unamused face. Even though he can't see it, he probably knows. 

"What? You've never seen turtles fight crime before?" He asks. 

"Focus, Pool, please. I want to get this over-"

Before I can finish my sentence, a floorboard above us creaks. We both go silent. 

"Why hello there Spidey. I see you've brought a friend." The Man in the Black Armour taunts. 

"Get down here and fight me like a man!" I yell, hoping I don't give away my fear. He just chuckles. 

Suddenly, he's in front of me. 

I turn to Deadpool and see he pulled the man down here with a grappling hook.

"Not my ideal technique, but whatever works." I say. 

"Whatever works? Does that mean-"

"No, that does not mean you can unalive people." I say back. He sighs, then quickly changes the subject. 

"Anyways, time to have some fun."

"Can we just skip that tonight, Pool? I want to go right to the taking-off-the-mask part." I say.

"Spidey being so needy? Damn. First you say I can't unalive people, and now I can't even play with them? You know you're gonna have to repay me somehow baby boy. My place, eight o'clock? I'll bang the sense out of your little ass." He smirks.


A deep blush spreads across my face. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I stammer, trying to be confident.

"Oh what baby boy? Don't act like you don't want me." He taunts. Stepping closer. Really close. I can almost feel his breath on my shoulder. I narrow my eyes and push him away before he notices the... bulge. 


Deadpool's joked about that with me before, but this time was different. It made me feel... different... the way he seemed almost serious.

What am I thinking?!

"I'm still here you know!" The man in the black armour says, annoyed. Deadpool turns to him but I can still feel the smirk behind his mask. I almost forget about what had just happened and my mind switches gears. Back to being a superhero. 

"Oh, yes! Right. Time to see who you are." Deadpool says cheerily. I gulp.

What if it's...

Deadpool's hand makes its way to the head of the man. 

It couldn't be...

His hand is almost touching the black armour covering his head.

But what if...

Deadpool pulls on the mask.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. A white male with black long hair and brown eyes stare up at us. 

It's not.

"Actually scratch that. You're the rat." Deadpool tells the man. 

"Spiderman... don't act like I won't tell the whole world your true identity." He smirks. My eyes widen.

Oh yeah... he knows who I am...

"Spiderman is-" 


"Hey! I wasn't finished with him!" Deadpool whines. The man has a large bruise on his face, I punched him hard enough to knock him out. 

"What the hell are we gonna do with him?" I say quietly. 

"I don't know. But is it true he knows your identity?" Pool asks.

"Unfortunately, yeah. And I don't know how or why he knows it, but it makes him dangerous." I reply.

"You know I can always-"


"Fine." He murmurs.

9:23 A.M

We decided to just have me web him up and leave him for the cops. If he reveals my identity, we have a backup plan. I personally don't like it, but it'll keep me out of jail.

I'm in the middle of making more web fluid when I get a notification on my phone.

It's from Wade.

'Hey there sweet cheeks ;)'

'What?' I reply.

'Can we talk?' He asks.

'Um, sure what's up?' I ask.

'I'm sorry for saying what I said. I'm a little messed up in the head if ya know what I mean. We should hang out sometime. You seem pretty cool. And you're cute ;))' 

I gulp.

What am I supposed to say? He's super creepy. But I dunno, maybe in the span of a couple days he changed somehow? Everyone deserves a second chance... so...

'Sure. Where and when?'

'Yay! How about later tonight? 6 o'clock at Yummo's, the fancy restaurant on main street? I'll pay.' He texts. What is this, a date? I don't even know the guy. But there's a first time for everything. But I'm only doing this because I want to know how he knew my Uncle Ben, and why he always acts so crazy. Not for any other reason of course. He's not good looking or anything...

'Sure. See you there.'

1:07 P.M

"You WHAT?!

"You heard me. I have a date! I mean I just plan on getting to know the guy, but he's cute and stuff." Deadpool tells me. 

Well that's suspicious. Wade Wilson and Deadpool both have a date at a fancy restaurant tonight... What am I thinking?! Wade is way too creepy to be Deadpool. I mean yes Deadpool makes remarks about my ass, but Wade is just crazy. There's no way. No way! 

"W-where's the restaurant you're going to?" I ask.

"Nope. Nice try sweet cheeks. I don't want you to follow me there and see my identity." He says, "Although if you really want to see me, we can meet up in an alleyway and get some. Then you'll see my true glory. All 9 inch-"

"OKAY! I get it, Deadpool." I interrupt. I hold my head in my hand as I try as hard as possible to get this annoying blush to go away.

I wonder how good he would be though...

But if he really is Wade Wilson, I don't know what I would do. 

What am I thinking?! There's no way Deadpool and Wade Wilson are the same person. I'm crazy! I'm just gonna have a normal dinner with a normal person and have normal conversations and normal food.

Besides the whole Wade-being-insane part. 

But if you think about it... Wade and Pool both call me annoying nicknames like 'baby boy' and 'sweetums'. At the taco bar, first I saw Wade, then only a few minutes later Deadpool was up at the rooftops with me. And the wedding, me and Wade spoke, then I saw Deadpool at the robbery with me around the same time, and I didn't see Wade after that. 

I guess there's only one way to find out. 

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