Chapter Twenty One

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Lol no joke I've been working on fanfiction for 11 hours straight. You guys see daily updates (or something like that hopefully), but I'm writing it up until now (from chapter 15-now) all in one sitting. I've been writing since 2pm. Oops. It's one in the morning so let's see how long I can last. 

7:02 A.M

I fell asleep on Wade. My head was in his lap while he pulled the recliner back and slept. I get up from the position I was in, and look around, rubbing my eyes. The sun was barely rising, which was good, because that meant I wasn't late for my shift. I groan as I slide off the couch like a zombie, walking over to the kitchen to make coffee. I wait for the coffee to brew and hum a random melody that I was too tired to recognize. 

When the coffee was done, I poured it into my mug and got the creamer out of the fridge, taking a glimpse at the time. It was only 7:04? Huh. Usually I'm snoozing my alarm until I'm rushed. I pour the creamer into the coffee and stir it with my spoon. I let out a sigh as the warmth of coffee wakes me up already. I'm taking sip when-


"AHH!" I screech, spitting out my coffee. My legs nearly give out and I back up looking around, trying to calm my pounding heart. Before I realize what had happened, I hear Wade losing his mind in front of me. 

"Wade!" I screech, "You made me spill my coffee everywhere!" I say angrily, trying to steady my breathing.

Why didn't my Spidey sense go off?

He's still cracking up, but eventually he wipes tears from his eyes and settles down. 

"Yeah but it was HILARIOUS!" He exclaimed. I stared at him unamused. "What? It was at least a little funny." He said innocently. I shook my head and bit my lip to hide the smile forming on my lips. But it didn't work. 

"Seeeee you're laughing!" Wade says, pointing at me. I push his hand out of my face and grin. 

"You still have to clean it up." I say, placing my coffee, or what's left of it, on the counter. I cross my arms and look at him. 

"Fine." He says, grabbing the mop leaning on the counter. 

"Thank you Wade. But I'm still mad about you scaring me." I say. 

"Oh come on, I got you sooo good." He said. I just rolled my eyes and turned around, opening the fridge. Wade finishes up and leans the mop back in its place.

"No you don't. We are going out to breakfast." Wade says.

"What?" I ask.

"Breakfast. We are going out." He says. I grin and close the fridge, walking to my room to change. 

When I'm done changing, Wade is waiting for me by the door. I tie on my converses and head out the door.

When me and Wade are both out, I ask, "Where are we going, exactly?" 

"Somewhere special." He says, and leads me out to his motorcycle.I sit behind him and hold onto him, as always, and we're off.

If the coffee didn't wake me up, I can definitely say the motorcycle did. At first, I was uneasy, as always. I don't know what it was, but eventually my heart rate slows. My eyes open, and my grip loosens. 

Just a calm morning, nothing to be afraid of right? I tell myself. My muscles relax and I take in a breath of the crisp morning air. The wonderful morning autumn smell, pumpkin spice, early coffee and crushed leaves fills my senses. I can feel the wind flowing through my hair, almost like someone's dragging their fingers through it. I lift my head up high and even lift my hands up in the air. I can't help the grin that comes onto my lips, as I actually enjoy a motorcycle ride. 

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