Chapter Twenty Four

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OH boy that last chapter-

I went for like what? A week? 6.20k?!?!?! WOW THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!

Okay let's get to the Spideypool-


10:23 A.M

I barely make it to the toilet before the hot brown liquid practically shoots out of my mouth. My stomach feels like it's being torn inside out, and my eyes burn from pushing so much out of my stomach. After about 5 minutes of nonstop puking, I eventually feel empty. I flush the toilet, wipe my mouth and close the seat, slouching next to the toilet and rubbing my eyes. 

What happened last night? I took a couple drinks and... oh no. 

Did I get drunk?

I shakily attempt to stand up, using the toilet top and the rim of the bathtub to pull myself up, but I don't get very far. My arms shake and I'm sent to the ground again. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. 

"Mornin baby boy," A recognizable voice says, appearing by the door frame. I sleepily look up at...

"Wade?" I ask.

"Yeah... you wanted me to stay here last night," He says grinning, "And well, somebody has to help you with that hangover." He said shrugging.

"H-hangover?" I ask, even though I know I got drunk. Were hangovers always this bad?

"Come on sweet tart." Wade says, walking over to me, offering a hand. I take it, but even then I'm too tired and exhausted to stand. Wade goes for an alternative: Just pick me up bridal style. Normally I would protest, but I'd rather speak the least amount of words I can at the moment, my mouth is dry from the puking. 

Wade carries me over to my bed, setting me down and fluffing the pillows, then lays me back on them. I give a weary smile, he just nods and leaves the room. 

A couple seconds later, he appears with a glass of water. I take it and sip, immediately helping the burning sensation in my throat. Wade sits at the edge of the bed with a grin that tells me he knows or did something. 

"What is it?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. 

"Oh nothing..." He says in a tune, standing up and walking over to my nightstand, picking up a folded up note. "Okay... well, you could say, someone left this for you last night." He smirks. I take it suspiciously. 

I unfold it.

Hey Peeter, it's uh Peeter and I want to have sex with Wad so you beter let me or else. I read the note in my head.

"What the fuck is this-?" I ask accidentally letting the curse out, crumbling up the note, even though it clearly says I wrote it. 

God, how drunk did I get?!

"That's right baby boy!" Wade says, "You wanted to have sex with me!" He pokes my nose with his pointer finger. 

"That's absurd." I say, pushing his hand away, coughing, revealing a headache coming on. "You wrote that Wade." I cross my arms.

"Sure I did... but this video says otherwise." He says grinning, pulling up his phone to show an unplayed video. "Go ahead, press play!" 

I narrow my eyes at him, then turn back to the phone. 

I press play. 

"What was that you said about me baby boy?" Wade asks in the video. "Go ahead, repeat it." He smirks.

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