Chapter Eighteen

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8:02 A.M

Finally I have a job to wake up and go to. It may only be a pizza place, but it's better than nothing. At least I can keep my apartment now. 

I get out of the shower the throw on my towel, walking into my room to grab my clothes. Then I hear a knock on the door. 

Shit, I'm still in my towel.

They knock again.

"Spidey?" A male voice says. It's Wade. I tighten my towel and subconsciously lift it above my belly button (covering my scar) and rush to the door, opening it to only show my face.

"What's up? Why are you here this early?" I ask.

"I was uh... just wondering if you wanted to go out for breakfast." He says nervously, pulling his grey hoodie more down his head. "Just to talk about things?"

"I was actually just about to head to work but you can hang here until then." I say.

"Okay... are you gonna open the door?" He says. I laugh nervously. 

"Oh y-yeah yeah..." I say, slowly opening the door to let him walk in. 

He walks in and I quickly shut the door and lock it, just in case. 

"Whoa Spidey I didn't know you were in your towel, I'm sorry." He says, looking away and shielding his sight of me. I bite my tongue and blush.

"It's fine Wade, I-I just need to get dressed, heh." I say, starting to make my way to the bathroom. 

He catcall whistles and I turn around to see him staring at me with a cheeky smile.

"Wade!" I screech, blushing.

"Oh sorry baby boy." He says grinning, looking away again. I quickly make my way to my room and close (and lock!) the door.

8:16 A.M

I walk out of the room in my uniform.

"Took you long enough." Wade says as I walk out.

"Shut up." I joke.

I sit down next to him on the couch.

"So... I have a question." I say.

"Oh? Fire away sweet cheeks." He says.

I pull up my phone and scroll through my contacts. "How come I already have you saved as a contact?" I ask, showing him the "Wade" contact. 

"Well, we kind of knew each other before you were in the... hospital..." He says, smile fading for a second. But as quick as it faded, his grin was back. "But the funny thing was, we didn't know who each other were. We were friends as both egos without knowing each other's. If that makes sense."

"Oh." I say, "Then how did you know my name was Peter? How did you see my face before?" I ask.

"Well, uh, we..." He started, "We uh figured it out I guess." He says, then gives me a reassuring smile. 

"Huh. Well I have to get ready to go."

"Already? What time do you work?" Wade asked. 

"Nine but I have to walk so it'll take 20 minutes to get there." I say. 

"You have to walk?! Absolutely not." He says, crossing his arms.

"Huh?" I ask.

"We're taking my motorcycle."

8:39 A.M

"OH MY GOSH WADE SLOW DOWN!!! WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS!?" I scream as Wade zooms down the busy streets. 

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