{11. I'll help you}

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4x11- Catch me if you can

I was walking threw my house as some one ringed the doorbell and Jennalee and Tommy were playing and I opened The door and saw Kol and he saw me and smiled

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I was walking threw my house as some one ringed the doorbell and Jennalee and Tommy were playing and I opened The door and saw Kol and he saw me and smiled. "Can I come in." He asked and I smile.

"Yes, Lol you can come in." I told him and he came in as I closed the door and Kol at his niece and nephew.

"Are they your kids?" He asked and I looked at him. "Yeah." I breath out as I looked at Jennalee and Tommy.

"Tommy, Jennalee, come and meet uncle Kol." I said and they looked up and smiled and ran up to him and hugged him and Kol was shocked at them and smiled and hugged them.

"Hey, munchkins." He said as they looked up at him and he looked down on them and I took a picture and Kol saw the flash and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Really?" He asked.

"What, it was a cute moment." I said and He smiled as I called out the kids nanny.

"Rosita, can you here a minute." I asked and she came in. "What can I do for you ma'am." She asked and I hand her my phone. "Can you take a picture of us?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes, ma'am." She said as we stood together and we took a picture amd she handed it to me and I smiled.

"Rosita, thank you, now take the kids with you, I have to talk to my brother." I told her and she nodded and she grabbed their hands and they walked away.

I turned to Kol. "You want anything to drink?" I asked him and he shakes his head. "No, I'm good, but we need to talk." He told me as we sat down.

"I need your help." He said and I raised an eyebrow. "With what." I asked. "Klaus turned people into vampires and is making Jeremy kill them to let grow the hunters map, and we can't let that happen, what if they wake up Silas." He asked me.

"I'll help you." I told him. "Let's go kill some vampires sister." He said with a smirk.


At the Zanadew Lounge Jeremy and Damon have driven near the bar but are parks in the woods nearby. "Do you really think they went back to the bar?" Jeremy asjed Damon who opens his trunk.

"Where else are they gonna go? It's all cabins and vacation homes; they can't get in anywhere." Damon told him as Damon hands Jeremy a gun and Jeremy puts it behind his back as Damon's hands him the compound bow.

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