{12. Just a Dream}

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4x12- A View to Kill

4x12- A View to Kill

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Kol walked up to the apartment that his older sister Luna was in and he could feel her sadness from where he is he takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.

Luna looks up and sniffs and wipes her face and get's up walking up to the door and opens it see's Kol.

She smiles and hugs him tightly and he does the same. Kol and Luna always we're almost the same they always been so close that she would actually die for him just to save him from the danger.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I just wanted to see my big sister and to make sure you we're okay." He said and Luna looked down crying and she looked back at him.

"I'm not okay, I feel like dieing deep down I just want to turn off but I can't because later I might do things that I won't forgive myself for. Just watching him die was the worst and I felt my heart break more and more every day. Does it look like I'm doing okay?" She asked and he frowned.

"No, you don't look okay so you and me are going out to that Gilbert house and I know they already invited you in that little Gilbert likes you as a friend but I need you to stay outside until something bad happens you go inside and stop it okay." He asked and you smiled.

"Yeah, I understand what you said little brother. You and I, Always and Forever." She said and he responded. "Always and Forever."

"And remember Kol I will die for you no matter what." She said and Kol hugged her.


Luna was outside listening to the loud noises inside but nothing that bad has happened yet so she stayed outside and waited for it.

"Sorry about the sting." He said but look down and tries to figure which one it is.

"Now, which arm is it? Is it left or right? I'll just chop off both to be safe." He said as Jeremy closes his eyes as Kol raises the knife over him but then Suddenly Elena appears and grabs Kol and the cleaver misses Jeremy and instead slices through one of Jeremy's restraints. Elena slams the cleaver into Kol's chest, shoving him against the counter. Jeremy releases his other arm and rushes to the sink. He grabs the spray hose and sprays Kol with the vervain water. Kol cries out in pain as the water hits him as Elena moves away. Jeremy keeps the water on Kol, and Elena takes the white oak stake from Kol's jacket, throwing it to Jeremy and Luna heard that it was a stake so she walked towards the door and saw a white oak stake and her eyes went wide.

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