{3. This Vampire Hunter Is Everywhere}

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Elena and Stefan sit down in their desks

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Elena and Stefan sit down in their desks. Stefan looks at Elena, who is staring at the front of the room, looking like she is about to cry and Stefan looks at the front as well, noticing the chalkboard with Alaric's handwritten notes on it and he sighs, realizing what she must be saddened by.

"It's the first time we've been back in Alaric's classroom..." Stefan said softly and Elena looks at him. "First period, and I'm ready to bawl my eyes out." She admited and then Rebekah enters the classroom with flyers.

"Morning, everyone." Said Rebekah and the student looks at her. "Morning, Bekah."

"Just like that, I'm no longer feeling sentimental." Elena muttered and Rebekah looks at the student's.

"So, I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house. Starts at fifth period and goes 'til whenever. Spread the word." She told them as she hands out a couple of the flyers and turns to Elena. "You're welcome to join, Elena, if you'd like to bury the hatchet." Rebekah offers as she hands Elena a flyer and Elena takes it.

"It's a pretty enormous hatchet." Elena told Rebekah and Rebekah rolls her eyes at her. "Well, I'm feeling generous of spirit."

Elena looks at the flyer. "New house, huh? Did your brother finally kick you out? And did Luna not talk to you yet?" She asked her.

"He didn't kick me out, I left."

"So, you left the only person on earth that actually likes you?" Elena asked her and Rebekah looks at Stefan.

"Well, your boyfriend liked me once." Rebekah told her as Stefan looks up at her, clearly not happy to be dragged into it. "Actually, a lot more than once." Rebekah informed as Rebekah smirks and Elena looks furious.

"Why are you still in town, Rebekah? Don't you have anywhere else to go." He asked her. "Well, history's my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman...?" She asked but she pauses dramatically and Elena's rage intensifies and smiles.

"Oh, that's right, I killed him." Rebekah spat as Elena loses her temper and throws her pencil at Rebekah's face but Rebekah grabs it and throws it back at Elena and impales her in the shoulder and they glare at each other and Elena removes the pencil from her chest and gets up before anyone else in class notices what just happened and  Stefan and Elena walk out into the hallway and Elena is still visibly furious as Stefan gently holds her arm and tries to calm her down.

"Just breathe, just breathe. You haven't felt this kind of rage before." He told her trying to calm her down.

"I hate her." Elena blirts out with rage as Elena and Stefan stop walking and stand face-to-face. "I didn't think I was capable of hate, but I hate her, and I hate that I hate her." She told Stefan.

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