Chapter 36: Good and Bad

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Good and Bad song:

This Love - Taylor Swift

A month has passed by and I never got a single call or a text from Luke. I'm not surprised that he doesn't want to talk to me. But deep inside, I am still hoping he would forgive me. Meanwhile, Harry sends me messages everyday but I never respond to any of those. Not because I don't want to, but because everytime I have a free time to sit or do whatever I want to, I end up sleeping and drooling off. I always hate having a nap before entering the music industry. Napping for me means wasting time instead of doing something fun. Everyone, including staff from our band were exhausted going to different countries. We just ended our Asia tour and now we have a Europe tour lining up.

I slept at two in the morning and it's currently six in the evening. I wouldn't be awake right now if my phone haven't rang.

"Hello?" My hoarse and lazy voice answers the phone.

"Tiffany! Did I wake you up?" It was Louis.

"Hey louis, what's up?"I ask with the same tone of voice. My head burries between the bed and the pillow.

"All good. How are you?" Louis says with an energetic tone of voice. I kept my eyes closed.

"Good." I have a lot to tell to him but this isn't just the right time for it.

"Great! I just want to remind you about my mother's wedding the day after tomorrow. Everybody wants you to come." I could hear the sound of hope in his voice.

Oh great. I almost forgot about the wedding. Louis gave me the invitation through e-mail. Ofcourse, I'm delighted to come to his mother's wedding. Eleanor had been calling me too just to ask several times if I would go or not. The problem is I don't know if i'm ready to face Harry and I'm not even sure if Luke's going. Having both of them would be totally awkward. I think it's best if I was the one who wouldn't come. But that means disappointing Louis. And Johannah, of course.

"Yeah, I'll come." I answer him following by a sigh of defeat.

"Awesome! I'll expect to see you tomorrow!"

"I'll see you, Louis."

As soon as Louis ended the call. I cover myself up with the duvet and continue to explore the dreamland.


"Is she coming?" I asked Louis without looking at anyone. I know I got their attention when I asked this.

"You'll know the answer at the wedding." Louis answered.

"Stop torturing him Louis." Liam huffed. I continue to avoid looking at anyone.

"Stop killing the excitement." Louis answered back at him.

High hopes is all I have left between me and Tiffany. I've never dated anyone after Kendall. It was a bit hard to cut off ties with Kendall, but the management also declined her to come along with our tour. Everytime our management would set me up with someone, I decline. It was tiring and I don't want to go in circles anymore. It was time to fight for what's making me happy. She's worth fighting for. We're worth fighting for.

Tiffany have been busy with her career, just like me and the lads don't even have the time to go out of the hotels we've been stuck out. But everytime I would hold my phone, she's the first thing that comes up in my mind. I want to talk to her all day, all night just like the way it was before. I never deleted her pictures, including ours in my phone. Why would I? I wouldn't want to forget her. I couldn't.


Isn't it such a perfect timing that I am in London and the wedding's tomorrow? I also think it's a bad timing because I don't have anything to wear that suits for a wedding. All I have with me are the clothes I need to wear for performing in our concerts. The hell I would wear those just to come. I also don't have the time to look for one. We're performing in an hour. The mall would be close the time that we'll be finished.

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