Chapter 37: Just Like Before

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Just Like Before Song:

Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran

I doze off longer than the usual which means I was running late for the wedding. I did my own hair and make up. When I was running out of time to fix my hair, I just decided to let if fall on the side of my neck and let those curls flaunt.
I opened the door and seeing Dan's face surprised me since I wasn't expecting him at this time.
"You scared me."
"You look good." He didn't move from where he was standing, his hands were still on his pocket.
"Harry's got a good taste for dresses. Are you sure he's not gay?" He teased.
"Shut up, Dan." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Good Morning too." Dan smirked.
"Wait.. How'd you know this is from him?" I asked Dan suspiciously.
"Because.. he asked help from me, he was afraid you'd decline if he gave it directly or sent it to you.
"That's why you put it together along with those gifts that the fans gave?" My forehead showed a little crinkle.
"Yeah. Aren't you running a bit late for the wedding?"
"Oh sheez! Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry I have to go."
"I'll drive you there."
"Thanks, let's go."

"You changed your suit a lot of times." Gemma said with a grin on her face, emphasizing on the word 'lot'.
"You're not helping me out." I shook my head at her.
"They all look the same, brother." She held one of the suits and looked at it.
"You're really not coming?" I asked her hoping she would be come. It would make things easier for me and Tiffany.
"I'm sorry I really can't. " She shrugged her shoulders.
"Don't worry. It will be fine." Gemma added as she continue browsing with my suits.
"I am wearing that fedora hat to the wedding." I told her. Robin keeps on telling me that it's not appropriate for the occassion.
"I got an idea!" Gemma smiled at me then started to pull me in front of her.
Thinking about seeing Tiffany in the wedding makes my heart flutter. I still remember the way she looked with that plain dress the first time I saw her. She was breathtaking. The way she bites her bottom lip when she's nervous, making it turn pale. The way she would rub her nose with her index finger when she doesn't know what to say and how her eyes would light up like every star in the sky, every time she smiles.
I still remember the pain in her eyes and how broken she was that time I heard her sobbing behind a tree, after I followed her. The only thing I wanted to do was to fix her. How ironic, I am now the reason she got her heart broken. But that was about to change now. I'm going to wait for her to be ready. No turning back. I wonder if she's going to wear the dress I gave her? Is she even coming?
My questions have been answered when I saw a glimpse of the dress I gave her. Tiffany carefully walked inside the Church. Eleanor asked her to seat beside her. As always, she took my breath away. My heart has slept for long time. Now that she's here, it has finally awaken. I never thought I was capable of loving until I met her.
Before heading to the reception, my eyes followed her every move. I was hoping she would turn her head and look for me, but she didn't. Just after the wedding ceremony, Tiffany went straight outside with Eleanor. It's absurd for me to think maybe we could drive together to the reception, just like old times. I guess I got a lot of hopes for today.
"Umm. Hi." A voice made me startled that I immediately stood up from my seat. I've finally heard the voice I've been wanting to hear. And the face I've been wanting to see, this close.
"H-hi.." I have to say something more than this.
"Thank you for this dress." She says as she brush her palms slightly through the dress.
"You're welcome. You're beautiful. It looks really good on you." She really does, even if she gained a bit of weight.
"Thanks, Harry." A smile plastered on her face. And just like that, my heart melts.
"You look different." Tiffany said.
"A good different or a bad different?" I hope it's not about how Gemma styled me for today.
"Good different." She answered as she tucked few strands of hair behind her ear. I love the way her hair falls on the side of her neck.
"Thank you."
"What are you still doing here?" She asked me.
"Do you, Um.. Do you want to come with me to the reception?" I hesistantly asked.
"Yeah, sure." Just like that and I felt like a kid who won a prize.
Eleanor was waiting for Tiffany along with some of Louis' cousins. But she told Eleanor that she'll come with me. I saw Eleanor playfully smiling at her.
The drive was short, but it was worth it.
"So.. I guess how are you is the best way to start this conversation?" She said while I was driving.
"I guess. How are you?" I asked Tiffany.
"Good, I think. Exhausted."
"I'm really glad your band is doing so well."
"Me too."
"Louis would be happy to see you."
"You're not?" She turned and slightly tilted her head to look at me.
"What? I am more than happy to see you." She giggled. But I saw her face turning a bit pale.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked me.
I can't believe he became a man so fast. His hair has grew longer, touching his shoulders and showing more curls. His jaw becomes more visible while his shoulders were more broad than before. And his height, I am speechless.
"Y-Yeah." I lied. I wasn't feeling fine after I woke up.
"You're a little pale. You sure?" He asked one more time. His forehead creased.
"Yeah. I think I just need more sleep." And food. I need food. Breakfast was missed, so that was a bad start for my day.
He pulled at the driveway in the garden, where the wedding reception is. I congratulated Johannah and his husband. Louis gave me a warm hug. Like Harry said, he was indeed happy to see me. Every people that I knew because of Harry was there. It felt like I was back to those days. Those days when Harry was still mine. I searched for Harry and found him with Niall and Liam.
"Heeeyyyy!" Liam said as he walked closer to me and gave me a hug.
"What's with the beard?" I teased him.
"You're still the same, Tif." He giggled.
Niall was standing beside him, waiting for his turn to give me a hug.
"Damn, how could you guys be so tall in a snap?" I playfully asked Niall.
"Miss you too, Tif." I felt him giggle before he said those words. Me and Niall are the living proof that exes can be friends. Well, it doesn't work in all people. Just like Joe and I wouldn't be friends.
"Don't do that again, okay? We missed you." He whispered at me before releasing me from his arms.
"Missed you too guys." I said.
All of them looked more manly than before. They weren't boys anymore. I can't stop stealing glances at Harry. He was so tall. I think he's the tallest among them. And hell, he's so handsome. Harry has changed his look. His curly brown hair was longer now. Longer that it touches his shoulders. He looks so hip with that fedora hat I gave him matching his slightly unbuttoned trousers, blazer and leathered ankle boots. His unbuttoned trousers made his tattoos more visible. I didn't know he got a lot of inkings.
Why does everyone keep on growing and I'm not?

I watched her as they catch up with each other. It was so good to see her like this. Carefree and like she wasn't mad at me after everything. Like we were back on the first day we've met. I hope it stays like this.
Tiffany sat with us. She sat with the chair beside me and Sophia. They can't stop talking after Liam introduced Sophia to her. Sitting on my other side was Niall.
"Mate, I'm glad everything's doing great." Niall whispered and gave me a tap on my shoulder.
"We haven't actually talked about.. things." I said in a low voice.
"Come on, it will be fine. Look at her, she's happy." He looked at her and I did too.
Niall was right. Tiffany looked a lot better. She smiles and laughs a lot before things were complicated between us. After thinking how happy she was, I thought that maybe I am the one who makes her frown. I am the cause of her pain. But then, I won't be a coward anymore. Starting today, i'll be the reason she smiles and laughs.
The waiter arrived with the appetizer plate which was compose of squid. He placed our individual plates in front of us. Johannah and his husband choose to have a set menu rather than a buffet. I hope this fills me up. Because everytime I go for a set menu, I end up ordering from fast foods after.
Before Tiffany even touched her plate, I saw her cover her nose like something stinks.
"Everything all right?"
"I'm sorry I have to get some fresh air for a moment, please excuse me." She added as she stood up from her chair and went out from the tent. I followed her.
Tiffany started walking away quickly from the reception, heading to the woods. She stopped holding to a tree like she was running miles. I started running to her when I saw her dry heaping.
"Are you sick? I'll take you to the hospital."
"Thanks but we don't need to go. I'm just really exhausted from work. I feel so tired everyday and I feel like sleeping every hour. I also keep on dry heaping. It's so weird to vomit without something that's coming out of your mouth."
"Have you also experienced things like this when you first started touring?" She followed up with a question.
"No." I answered confusingly.
"How long have you been feeling like that?" I asked while thoughts fills up my head.
"It's been a week." She answered, her hand places on her stomach.
"Are you.." I stopped, hesitant saying words that I might regret. I can't afford lose her now. Not when everything is going so well.
"Are you pregnant?" I asked her. Tiffany's eyes widen as mine did too. We stared at each other, hoping to get an answer.

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