Who will win?

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     The man speaking fell to the ground in shock. After a couple seconds, he died of a heart attack. Everybody started to panic and started chanting things like "Kira will kill us all! Run! Ahhh!! Long live Kira!" They were all in a panic. Chaos emerged from the public.

   After a brief moment of chaos, the giant television turned on. The image of an N appeared again. This image is the same that N has used before when he made announcements. "Hello Kira. Are you there?" Near asks. "Hahahahaha!!!!! What is this Near? You can't kill me so what are you going to do about it? I am Go............." Kira exclaimed.

    All of the sudden, Kira started dissipating into dust. He slowly saw his arms wisp away into the air. He didn't understand what was happening. Tears went down his pale cheek. Before you even knew it, Kira was gone. Before he completely disappeared, he spoke his final words. "Heh...... It was fun while it lasted..... I guess you won..... L." He remarked.

   Someone walks onto the stage with a microphone and heads toward the podium. The fake Near was already removed from the stage before he came. "Hello everybody. That man that you just saw, was a fake me. He was actually a terrorist who was in hiding until today. I am Near."  He announced. Everybody stood in shock and became attentive to him as he continued speaking.

   "I'm here Kira, kill me. You must've known that was a fake me but you still decided to kill him anyways.  You're a monster! Are you there? If so, you can kill me here right now. I'm not even wearing a mask! Well, what are you waiting for? ..................Oh, are you not there? Maybe you're perhaps dead? Have I succeeded? Maybe, but I bet that you probably have helpers or followers who also have death notes as well, right? Everybody! I believe that I'd like to announce to everyone in the world, that Kira is dead!" Near exclaimed.

   A silence filled the air, as nobody responded to such a blasphemous claim. Nothing happened for two minutes. It was as silent as it is in horror movies to produce suspense. All of the sudden, people started chanting and others started crying. All you could make out in the loud noise were things like "Kira is gone!! Why?! You were my idol!" There were two sides that divided everyone. On one side,  everybody was cheering and they were glad Kira is gone.  On the other side, people were sad and gloom as they realized that their idol is dead. Some of them went insane and went on a riot, so the yakuza took them away.

     "Silence!" Near yelled into the mic. It became quiet. "Kira is dead. Now we can all resume our normal lives once again. It's important that we move on from this." Near announced. "How is Kira's death good? All it means is that crime will rise once again. What about this is good?" A kira supporter asked everyone. "That's a good question. Kira murdered the prisoners. He wanted to purge the world of all evil, he wanted to be god. Eventually, he went insane and started killing innocent people. Nothing about Kira was good,  he was just a murderer given extraordinary power." Near responded.

   After that,  nobody else wanted to speak. Near pressed a button on his shirt collar. He asked for everybody on the investigation team to meet him on stage. You see Roy drag Tim onto the stage like a lap dog. However, Margaret fails to show up.

   Everybody was minding their own business until suddenly, Near was shot to the ground. A strange figure walked up onto the stage wearing a black cape and an ominous helmet. The helmet was black and there seemed to be a window on the front of the helmet. The helmet was sort of oval-shaped in the front. The tall figure wore what looked like a school uniform. He walked up onto the stage and snatched the mic out of Near's hand.

   "Hello everyone. I am Lelouch Vi Britannia!"


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