Chapter Six

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Connor arrived back at home rather late. He and Evan had spent hours talking about everything and nothing, he inwardly grinned to himself as he turned his beat up, scratched key into the front door.

That grin quickly turned into a groan when he opened the door, he was met by the sight of Larry leaning against the staircase with his arms crossed and a threatening glare across his face. Seriously, he had a forehead vein popping and everything.

"Well, well, well," Zoe said, mock shocked as she walked down the stairs, "Look who's home. Finally."

Connor rolled his eyes.

"Where have you been?" Larry demanded, gruffly. His stance didn't falter in the slightest, Connor would have been more intimidated if he actually gave a shit.

"Out." He replied, shortly.

"Getting high." His sister corrected with a snort.

"I was not!" Connor yelled, slamming his fist against the wall, "You fucking bitc-"

"Hey!" Larry bellowed, furrowing his eyebrows and taking a step closer to his son so that he could point a stern finger in the boy's face, "Don't talk to your sister like that. Now, where were you?"

"Why the fuck should I tell you?" Connor snarled.

"Because I'm your father and-"

"How's that fucking going for you?!"

Larry sighed and wiped a hand across his forehead, "I don't know where we went wrong with you, Connor, I really don't."

Out of the corner of his eye, Connor saw Zoe wipe at her eyes and a choked sob escaped her mouth before she turned and ran back up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door as she went.

"Whatever." He huffed, pushing past the older man to get upstairs to his room.

He heard Larry yell something but he really didn't care. His ears were ringing and, since his bedroom was the last one down the hall, when he walked past Zoe's room he heard the unmistakable sound of his sister trying to muffle her cries into a pillow. Connor tried to feel bad for her, he really did, he searched deep inside of him to dig up a single shred of empathy... but, who was he kidding?

She deserved it anyway, he thought with a scowl firmly planted on his face, just because she's crying everyone will come running? Because she's Zoe and could do no wrong in their parents eyes?

Yeah, right.

Connor was too tired to storm into his room, he slowly made his way there and pathetically tried to slam the door despite the sluggish feeling he had in his arms. Sighing heavily and flopping on his bed, Connor refused to start crying.

He wouldn't cry. What does that fix? Nothing, it just makes you uncomfortable and tired. It was pathetic.

He was pathetic.

He could've told Larry where he was, he didn't know why he didn't. It's not as if he'd get in trouble for getting ice cream.

But getting ice cream with Evan? Revealing that little detail might have had a different outcome.


Connor sat up and leaned against his bedpost, as he thought about the blonde. He had kissed him. They were... dating? Why the anxiety ridden boy had agreed to that, Connor would never know.

He's just being nice, a voice snarked in Connor's head, he didn't want to reject you in public because he knew you'd get angry. You always get angry.

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