Chapter Twenty Three

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Connor woke up the following morning to his phone buzzing. He sighed heavily, the last thing in the world he could possibly want right now to was to get up and move and face the day, he was in Evan's bed with Evan laying right next to him and this is how it should have gone the first time they had made love with each other.

Waking up in the afterglow, the intimacy of cuddling during the night, seeing Evan gently trace the zig zags on his arms with his fingertips. It was perfect. Not smoking and getting into an argument, and Connor had never regretted anything more than what he had put the blonde boy through.

"Someone really w-wants to talk to you." Evan slurred sleepily, pulling the duvet up higher over himself and snuggling into his warm boyfriend.

"It's Zoe," he mumbled in response, glancing at all the messages lighting up the phone screen, "She wants to know if we're okay."

"Are w-we?"

"Are you?"

Evan smiled and opened his eyes, the blue colour matching so well with the morning sun that streaked into the room, he looked so fresh and happy and Connor selfishly wanted to hide Evan Hansen from the world, so that nobody would ever be so lucky enough to see what he saw.

"Yes." He said, simply and Connor loved it.

Loved the way that Evan could look directly at him and look as if he saw something in Connor worth seeing.

Loved the way that Connor could ask him a question, quite possibly one of the most simplest questions in the world, although have it hold a thousand weights of purpose and Evan replied with quite possibly one of the most simplest answers in the world, and it still held that same great amount of purpose.

Loved the way he felt when he was with Evan. In their own little wonderland that they had built, dreaming of the day when they would both feel okay and safe and everything they had gone through together would be nothing more than a memory filled with bittersweet nostalgia.

"Good." Connor whispered, cupping Evan's face in the palm of his hand and gently bringing him up for a kiss.


Connor left soon after eating breakfast together, and thankfully well before Jared showed up.

Evan desperately wanted the two of them to get along, they were the only people in his life he really cared about besides Heidi, and he thought that perhaps this time he could persuade Jared into giving Connor a second chance.

"So tell me, Ev." Jared began, opening all of the kitchen cabinets in the Hansen kitchen looking for snacks, "How are you and the Emo?"

Evan furrowed his brows and took a seat at the table in the kitchen, "You r-really want to talk a-about Connor?"

He snickered, "You basically just admitted your boyfriend is an Emo."


"Okay okay, I'm sorry." He cleared his throat, "No, I don't want to talk about him because you know how I feel about him. But I can see that you're itching to tell me something, so go ahead. The floor's yours."

Evan sighed mentally, was he really that obvious? Of course he wanted to talk about Connor but he didn't want Jared to feel like that was the only thing he cared about, they were friends and Evan wanted to just spend time with him as well.

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