The puppy is a mischievous child
in it's terrible twos and looking for trouble.
The cat is a fish
swimming in a sea of grass.
The bird is a messenger
singing the signal of approaching danger.
The flea is an athlete
leaping and lunging for the gold.
The mouse is a hermit
who scampers and scurries out of sight.
The spider is a butcher
setting up shop for all to see.
The loon is a lunatic
yelling and yearning for someone to listen.
The coyote is a punk
Prowling and pillaging his local street.
The dragonfly is a kamikaze pilot
screaming and smashing into car windows.
The mosquito is a vampire
whose desire and delight is its next bite.
No Lifeguard on Duty
PoetryThis is a collection of my life, my thoughts, and my perception of everything around me. I won't claim that my documentation of how I think or perceive things around me is accurate. It is however the most accurate form of how I can express who I am...