The NT Perspective

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The NT Perspective

You don’t seem Autistic

Because Autism

Has, a look, a style

You’ve adapted well

For someone with Autism

Because Autism can’t

progress, adapt, or learn

If you’re Autistic

Then I must be too

Because Autism

Is like the common cold

Everyone gets it at some point

But no one really wants it

I don’t have many friends

So it must be Autism’s fault

Because popularity

Is a diagnosis

This is Autism,

From an NT perspective

This is what kills me

Every time, and almost

Every day

Autism is different for everyone

Some a little better

Some a little worse

But autism is not

From an NT perspective

Autism is an invisible cage

Where some can rattle the bars

And shout to guards for attention

While some

Can only huddle in a corner

Blind to the outside world

Beyond their bars

Autism is never

Something from an NT perspective

And believing so

Hurts us all.

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