Coming Clean?!

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Whatever.Okay,gather around children!Sou-san ((Susan....heh.Maybe me and Sweden are related. XDDDDDD )) will tell you a list of 20 coming clean confessions. EwE










#1.Sometimes,I listen to really sad songs just to think about life and /feel depressed/.There are rare moments when I /enjoy/ the feeling of depression.

#2.I have a very unhealthy love of cinnamon.Taste,smell,you name it.I love the stuff and go crazy for it. @.@

#3.I'm a closet Masochist.Like,its bad...../really/ bad.To an almost unbearable point. @·@

#4.My IQ is 127. ^^ The average IQ is 115.

#5.I'm good at and enjoy making cupcakes.Sometimes,I play creepy songs when I'm making cupcakes and feel like Ollie. XD

#6.I have an irrational fear of odd numbers....

#7.Some of you people that have RPed with me might have caught on to this one,but I'm not so sure.When RPing,I have the habbit of sometimes RPing as two characters.Well,when RPing two characters,I separate their speech/actions in separate paragraphs.I CANNOT stand it if one paragraph is bigger than the other/smaller than the other.Each paragraph has to be the same size,or I flip.

#8. @OkamiWonderland knows this one VERY well...

I am an /extreme/ clean-OCD freak.If I so much as see a fly in my kitchen,I go into a panic attack and scrub the whole house top to bottom.Everything is color codedsymmetrical,and organized.In fact,when people visit and tell me how clean and tidy my home is,I mentally pat myself on the back.If I so much as see a speck of dirt on my table,I shudder and use heavy duty cleaners on everything.

#9.I have a fear of fear.....

yeah.I often don't sleep at night very well because I have a fear of being jump-scared or something.I constantly have the paranoia that something/someone scary is waiting.....

#10. (This one is a bit.....weird.) I can't sleep at night without a cuddle.

I guess due to my bad childhood,I developed seperational issues.But I can't sleep without holding onto something/someone.It just feels better that way.

#11.I am EXTREMELY superstitious..Its to a point where I keep all the fortunes I get in my fortune cookies.Once I was accidentally given four fortune cookies instead of one in my order,and when I opened them,two were the exact same fortunes.I flipped out so much,I burned sage in my home.... >.>

#12.I shudder at the word 'toes' *shudder* ......I don't know why....

#13.I have a fetish for hips. @·@ If you hold me by the hips,or have really nice hips,your immediately attractive in my book.

#14.Many Many people call me a 'badass',but when I was little I was such a goodie goodie that I cried when I got a B on my report card. >.>

#15.I gag at chocolate/anything sweet.Sweets are repulsive to me.I only like cupcakes or ice cream.

#16.I'm HIGHLY manipulative,to a point where my therapist refuses to see me anymore. >.>

#17.I legit thought babies came from a giant flying bird until the age of 10. .-.

#18.I'm bisexual. *waves rainbow flag* :D

#19.When I was about 12 I suffered from clinical lycanthropy..... o.o

#20.I tend to hide many many MANY hidden meanings in a lot of things I say/do/write/draw.Nobody usually ever picks up on them......for instance;my username. "UndeadSoul3333". Can you try to decode the reasons I picked that name?I bet none of you can.(though one person came close once.....she scared me. >.> ))

#21.I'm gifted in all the arts except dance.I can cook,draw,sing,act,and write-but I have two left feet. ¤-¤

#22.I find it easy to lie. *troll face*

(( many alternate meanings/hidden messages/purposeful errors.If you find em' all id be surprised. O.O ))

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