Chapter 16: New Family

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It only took them for several months as they expected not one baby but two babies. They never been so happy before and they are one happy family. Christy felt the twins with her hand and Dark Heart felt the twins with his hand. Dark Heart and Christy are so happy to have twins, then until for one unexpected surprise by the two people who came to their house. Francine said, "Caleb." Dark Heart turns around and asked, "Who's Caleb?" Steven said, "This is your mother that you used to live here around this block and we are so worried and sick." Dark Heart said, "Sorry. I don't know who you guys are and my name isn't Caleb. It's Dark Heart." Steven asked, "How old are you?" Dark Heart said, "I'm only twenty-two about to be twenty-three soon." Francine said, "We lost a son for almost seventeen years and he had gone missing. We felt terrible for telling him to kick out of the house and we wanted to apologize to him. If you guys have seen him then we want him back safe and sound." Dark Heart remembers when he was kicked out of the house from the age of six as a little boy. He has now notice that he was the one who has gone missing for almost seventeen years as his eyes are widened even though his name has changed. After No Heart has mentioned that he is Dark Heart's adopted father and Dark Heart said, "Mom. Dad. It's me, Caleb. No Heart has adopted me as he changed my first and last name." Francine said, "My baby, I'm so sorry." Steven said, "We're really sorry for abandoned you from our house and I guess we were wrong of showing you with not a lot of love and care to you." Dark Heart said, "Mom, Dad, I really do appreciate from all of your mistakes and I would love you guys to meet my beautiful pregnant wife, Christy." Steven said, "It's very nice to meet you, Christy." Francine said, "It's so nice to meet you." Christy said, "It's very nice to meet you guys too and we're having twins." Steven said, "Congrats you two." Francine said, "My grand babies. Dark Heart, make sure you take care of the twins and don't ever do like we do to you when you were younger." Dark Heart said, "I won't Mom and we will treat our kids right no matter what we do." Francine said, "That's right sweetie." Dark Heart said, "Mom, Dad, I have something to ask you." Francine said, "Sure sweetie." Steven asked, "What is it son?" Dark Heart asked, "Will you guys just call me Dark Heart because my adopted father, No Heart has call me that for years?" Steven said, "Of course but we will always call you, Caleb." Dark Heart said, "As long that you are my family that you can call me Caleb but not my other friends." Francine said, "You didn't finish school." Dark Heart said, "No I was home schooled but I got my education though." Francine asked, "How did you get your education?" Dark Heart said, "I was still at Camp Champ for so long and I learned everything as I recall of doing a test." Christy questioned, "A test?" Dark Heart said, "You know that one test that we did at Camp Champ where we know all of the stuff that we know." Christy said, "Oh yeah. I remember that and some of our friends just didn't understand like only five questions at the end of pages as they thought they were trick questions." Dark Heart said, "Yeah and they refuse to finish the test until they failed." Christy said, "At least we did." Dark Heart said, "The test is so very easy and that's how I got my education." Steven said, "That's our boy." Francine said, "At least you know what you will be doing with your life and your future." Dark Heart said, "Of course Mom and I always wanted to get married and have a family of my own." Christy said, "My twins are getting big and they will be here soon." Steven said, "I'm really excited to meet our grand kids and you are raising your first family with Christy." Dark Heart said, "We are going to raise our children together and we have all of the stuff from the Care Bears." Francine asked, "Who are The Care Bears?" Christy said, "Our friends from the sky and they really have helped us when we were younger." Steven said, "That's great." It only took three months later as Christy is carrying the twins for the last time and Dark Heart has helped her. Christy said, "Dark Heart, I think we need to go to the hospital and the babies are coming." Dark Heart said, "Let's go baby girl." Dark Heart snaps his finger for a cloud to ride on and they both hang on tight to go to the hospital. He carries her to the hospital and Tenderheart Bear saw them going to the hospital. He went to tell The Care Bears Family for the news and The Care Bears Family decided to come along. Christy is in the hospital room by holding the twins and Dark Heart is so happy to be the father. Christy said, "Our twins is our world." Dark Heart said, "You guys sure made us proud from all of your long adventures." Christy said, "I want to name you, Catrina Marie Heart and our little son, I'll name you, Dark Heart Jr." Dark Heart kissed the twins foreheads and he never thought how happy he is. He always wanted to be a father and The Care Bears saw them from the window. Birthday Bear knocks on the window and Dark Heart went over by the window to open it. Brave Heart Lion said, "We came to see you guys if everything turn out to be alright." Christy said, "Everything went fine, Brave Heart and we are glad that you all are here to join the special moment to meet the twins." John, Dawn and the others came in to see them. Catrina looks at everybody with a big smile and so did Dark Heart Jr. Grams Bear said, "Oh my, well you beautiful twins are so precious little things." The twins smile at Grams Bear and they are happy babies to be blessed in the world.

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