Castle affairs...

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I never thought a life of happiness would ever come from the pain I've endured, the hardships I've faced, and the blood, sweat, and tears I've shed, just for the revenge I placed on my fathers murder.

    I ask those of you who are reading my life story, what would you do if you had just witnessed your fathers gruesome murder right before your eyes? Would you do what I did? Would you sit and watch the horror? Or would you act as judge, jury, and executioner?

    This is what I have done, this is why I must ask you not to judge me, or turn my epoch adventure of love, horror, strife, and pain away, for the sake of understanding what I've been through,  just sit, and let my life carve a bank of understanding for you, and this is where I start...


       (CASTLE: DAY 1)


    "Father?, where are you?" I said.

"Ah, Nibiri! Run, run and hide, now! Go!" He said.

"Father!  Whats going on? What was that loud noise just now in the main hall?"

"No time to ask questions, I said now, Nibiri! Go, be safe!"

And so I did as I was told, I ran, but before I could make it even a few feet, I was halted by a man I had never seen before, on his left was a woman, she was beautiful, but there was something off about them...

    "Who are you." I asked

"Hmm? And you must be lady Yuri's daughter. How fortunate on my part, now I will have the demon blade, you, this castle, and my revenge on your father, for taking your mother away from me, and killing her." He said.

"You shall not touch my daughter, nor shall you take revenge on me, Yuri loved me, I loved her, so I made her my wife! And as for this so called demon blade, I have no recollection of what you say about it, nor do I know where it is! You will leave my family, and, my castle at once!" Father exclaimed.

    The man who had just been glaring daggers at my father, then turned to look at me.

    "My dear, I am sorry to scare you as I just did, and im also truly sorry for this..."

As he said that he then turned back to my father, and withdrew a deathly sharp katana from its sheath. Then he approached him with it.

    "What are you-" my father began.

"As I said before, lord Yagyu, I shall have my revenge." He said with a cold stare.

And within a blink of an eye, if not sooner, he ran the blade through my father, and never flinched doing so, he smiled into my fathers eyes as he did so, never looking away, or wavering, as he peirced my fathers heart. The sword, which moments before, had been shine as if it were made of the stars, was now a dull, red and copper tone.

"!" Father?!, oh, god, no!

"Im terribly sorry, Nibiri, but it just had to be done, his presence had began getting my nerves, humans are weak, aren't they?" He said to me.

"What do you mean, 'humans are weak'? Are you not human?" I said in a weak, shaky voice.

"Hahah! You un have your mothers sence of humor." He turned and said to me.

Then he looked me up and down, as if just relizing, or comming to a conclusion about something.

"You also have your mothers flawless features. You are, indeed, the spitting image of Yuri, my love." He said

His love? Did this man and mother know eachother?

As if reading my mind, he then smiled and said.

"I am Jinosuke, the man who was supposed to marry your mother, and, now that she is gone, you will, in exchange,  take her place." He said to me, he smiled deviously at me, then started slowly walking alowly towords me, as if seeing if I'd move.

"Now, be a good girl, and come here." He said

"No one is going anywhere with you, Jinosuke!"

I turned to find a group of young men standing where the wall had collapsed when Jinosuke and the woman came in.

"I thought I had Yuki take care of you five?" Jinosuke said.

"Hmm, well, sorry to disappoint you, Jinosuke,  but, unfortunately for you, Yuki neglected to mention that she never checked to see if the bodies she dumped into the river were truly dead." A man said smirking

The man who was just talking had blue hair and golden, orange eyes that seemed to glow, even from a distance. He had pail, flawless skin, and an attitude that eminated badass when it touched you.

The others around him also had the same aura flowing from there deathly still, menacing eyes, they watched Jinosuke with wary, cautious calculations, as if trying to anticipate his every move.

"Enojo, remember, Jinosuke is still powerful, even in his human form, be careful." One man said. This one, also had the same look as the one I presumed to be called Enojo, but he had midnight purple hair and dark colored eyes that seemed to match his look and attitude,  it was dark, and broody, like he could kill in a moments notice, and still smile and carry on a conversation as if nothing even happened.

"Hajime, Hikobane, get the princess to safty, now, Raizo, Ryzaburo, and I, will hold Yuki and Jinosuke off for a little while, okay?" Said Enojo.

    The others just nodded and look in my direction, I locked eyes with Enojo by accident and he smiled warmly at me.

"You can trust us, were friends of you mother and father,  go with these two, they will protect you with there lives, now, go." Then he looked back at Jinosuke and Yuki, along with Raizo and Ryzaburo, and lungged after them. Seconds later I felt an arm wrap around my waist and Hikobane then started pulling me away.

    At first I stood there staring at him, and he told me to run, but I couldn't walk, I just collapsed there, I had no thoughts or feelings, I was just there, I didn't move, I didn't want to move, either. I just wanted to check on my father. But when I looked in his direction, I only saw a man, crumpled on the ground, in a pool of blood, I knew that he was dead, but I hoped desperately that there was some small chance that I could save him, and just like that, I stood up, in the midst of a battle, and walked towords an my now, lifeless father, and sank to my knees. The first thing I felt was not sadness, or even confusion, but I felt hatred, and self loathing,  I hated myself for being weak, not doing anything to help him, I should have known, I felt pity for myself, as I had just sat there, in his life essence and looked at his still, cold, limp, unbreathing, lifeless body.

"Father..." I whispered, why? Why did you have to die? I didn't even realize I was crying untill I felt the tear spill onto my kimono.

"I'm terribly sorry for your loss, mi'lady, but now is not the proper time to greive for him, we must hurry, and get you to safty." Said Hikobane.

I complied, but only because I had no other choice, but when I tried to stand, it felt like my legs could no longer hold my weight, and I continued to stumble, and collapse.

"Mi'lady, let me help you," said Hikobane, "I will be your strength, just hold on tightly, and don't look down, close your eyes if you have to."

And so I did, I closed my eyes, not caring if these men were friend or foe, heroes, or villains. I closed my eyes and held tightly around Hikobanes neck, and we moved. I had no idea how fast we were going, or what direction, but I could tell we were moving fast. Then I felt it, the impact of a wall collapsing,  and then the sounds of fighting quickly faded.

For my friend, Bekah

  ; 3. P.s. its not over...

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