Killer silence

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I looked up, and every one was there. Raizo, Ryzaburo, Hajime, and Enojo. But, ther were in there demon forms.

Enojo had what appeared to be large ears sprouting from the top of his head, like maybe fox ears. His hair was longer, and it was white, his eyes were red, and he had red markings, almost like tribal tattoos on the sides of his eyes, and neck.

Ryzaburo had glowing blue eyes, and he had fins that were a transparent red on his forearm and ended at his elbows, he had sharp teeth, and had a set of gills, his hair was wild, and red, and he had wings that looked transparent to, you could tell he was a water dragon.

Hajime had glowing yellow eyes, and a orange and yellow type halo around his head, he had something that resembled armor. And I rwlized it were a hard cover of scales. He had horns, too, and large black colored wings that were scaled, and had little points on the tips.

And Raizo, his hair wasn't hair, it was longer, but was just a soft looking, it was feathers, that resembled his hair. He had eagal wings, and a monkey tail. But his arms, he still had fingers, but his arms were those that a tiger, or lion would have, ther had sharp feline like claws, but his arms were fuzzy, and stripped.

All of them started to walk intimidatingly, and then they formed a circle around all of us. I felt eyes on me, and noticed that Enojo was watching me intently.

He winked, and then mouthed something to me, it looked like run. Then, he focused his attention on Jinosuke, and Yuki.

They were beautiful to me, they moved with elegant gestures and smooth movements. But at the same time, you could feel there power and deadlines as they stalked the two demons, and there accomplices.

All in all, there were Hikobane, Hajime, Raizo, Ryzaburo, and Enojo. But, they had to fight off Jinosuke, Yuki, and about seven or eight of those alligator type creatures.

It was hard to focus on where exactly the tension was commimg from, considering all of them were glaring daggers at eachother. And I still seemed to be the focal point in Yuki's attention. She didn't seem to care that there were several strong demons waiting to kill her, no, she was after me.

Hikobane must've relized this, and so did Enojo, because bolth were targeting her.

"Lay a finger on her, and you'll die." Said Enojo. Hikobane was tense, and I wandered why he wasn't in demon form. I expected him to transform back at any moment, but he just stood there, like he couldn't.

"Hikobane," I whispered.

He looked at me slowly, so as not to draw anymore attention to us. I was still next to Jinosuke, but he  was wasn't paying any attention to me, he was watching everyone else.

"Why haven't you transformed?" I whispered quietly. I was afraid he hadn't heard me, but he did, and then he smiled. It wasn't a sweet smile like usual, it was a cold and menacing smile. It scared me, I had never imagined he could look that way.

Just as I thought that Jinosuke was about to retreat, he grabbed my arm forcfully, and jerked me in front of him.

"If you want her back, you'll have to come and get her, but without killing her." He sneered. Then, he started cackling, like he was deranged.

Everyone went very tense, and they calculated and tried anticipating his next move. But it was usless, if they tried to attack directly, it would kill us bolth, so we were at a cross road.

Then, the unthinkable happens, there was a strong gust of wind from behind us, and then, just seconds later, we all heard a thump on the ground. You wouldn't believe what was laying there...or how it happened...

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