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He came closer to my face, as if waiting for my rejection, but, I just couldn't bring myself to look away, so I watched him come very close, close enough to fell his breath and mine mingle.

"May I?..." he whispered. I looked at him, and closed my eyes.

"Yes..." I felt him kiss my forehead, and then my temples, and cheeks,  then, finally, my nose. He rested our foreheads together, and sighed, as if battling his own thoughts and feelings.

"I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to kiss you, it's just that I want you to know me better, I want you to tell me when you want to be kissed, I want you to..." he cut off. I was curious of what he had to say, so I pressed him a little.

"Want me to what?" I asked.

    He looked at me, and I was caught in his gaze, my heart ached so badly, I thought I would die. I could see an endless portal of misery, self hatered, saddnes, loneliness,  and solitude. This man had been hurt before, and I wanted to fix him.

"What I wish for, is the impossible... I will not burden you, for it will only make you feel pity towords me, and that is not what I want, from you, or anyone...forgive me, Nibiri...." he said.

"By not telling me, you are only making it harder for yourself, and me, how do you know that whatever it is you want is imposible?" I asked.

He looked thoughtful for a moment, and even considered what I said, and brightened a little, which is all it took for the pang to disappear.

"If I tell you, will you please listen to why?" He asked.

"I will listen to anything you have to say." I said.

    He sighed and closed his eyes, as if bracing himself for what was to come.

"I will tell you, but first, let me show you the stars..." he smiled at me and held me close.

    We were flying through the sky at incredible speed, but it was so quiet up here. The only sound were the soft flaps of his wings as he propelled us through the clouds.

"It's so beautiful up here Hikobane!" I laughted excitedly. We flew in loopse and circles, we did turns and dives, it was nothing I had ever felt before.

"The stars are so clear, there are no trees to obstruct the veiw." I said.

"So pretty..." he whispered. I nodded in agreement as I gazed at the moon, stars, and river below.

"No, not the veiw, I ment you..." he whispered in my ear. I shivered in delight, and in embarrassment. I looked back and flushed. It was cool, flying up here, and yet I felt so warm that second.

    He smiled and me, and winked, then, he looked ahead, and his face turned serious.

"I don't want to spoil the fun, sweetheart, but its time to turn back, I'm sorry..." he said.

I thought to myself, and relized, he just called me sweetheart.

"Sweetheart...?" I said.

He looked at me, and then quickly looked away.

"Sorry...I should try courting you properly, huh?" He said with a devious smile, and then he chuckled.

My face was enflamed.

When we touched back down, we made our way to camp. Once we got there, he looked up, and then to me.

"it's almost daylight." He said.

"Oh.." I didn't relize we had been together that long...

"Don't worry, I'll tell you the story, if you want me to." He looked at me and waited.

"Yes, I would love to hear it." I said smiling slightly.

He looked down a little, and then sighed. He spread his wings, then crouched a little. I heard a rustling sound, then it was followed by a few pops. It was a little unnerving to watch him transform into a human again. He looked up and his expression was one of pain, then it vanished. He was left there, looking pale, and dark under the eyes.

    I was worried that something wrong happened. It hurt me to see him in agony. And I ran quickly to his side, and latched onto his left arm. I held on, and stroked his hair back out of his face, which was messy from flying. I guided him over back to our spot, and sat him down. I immediately ran to get water, when I came back, he was sitting there, rolling his shoulders and neck back. He hide hos pain when he seen me aproach.

"Here." I said giving him a drink.

I walked behind him, and then started loosening his kimono.

He must've got the wrong Idea, because he stood up suddenly,  and his face was so red, I thought he might catch on fire, he looked away and started fidgeting with his shirt.

"Sit back down, I wasn't doing what you were probably thinking." I laughted. He only became redder, and shuffled his way back.

"I seen you roll your neck and shoulders, so I know for a fact your fatigued and tired. I was only going to give you a massage to help with the pain." I said.

"Do I have to take my shirts off?" He said.

"No, but it would be easier,  and I was going to put a cool cloth on you, you look tired, so it might feel good, that, and you've blushed so hard, you look ready to faint..." I said.

He reluctantly took the shirts off, and I gapped at his back. He had so many scares, it was astounding. He stayed there, standing, as if knowing my reaction. I walked to stand slowly in front of him, and there were more. They ran along his shoulders, chest, ribs, and abdomen. On his back, they were everywhere too.

I looked at his neck, and there was a scar there to. I put my hand up to my mouth, and then tears sprung to my eyes. I didn't know why, but I hated everyone who had ever hurt him.

"Hikobane..." I sobbed. 'God, who would do this to you?' I thought...

My Demonic love storyWhere stories live. Discover now