finding truth

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"D-demon?" I studdered.

"Nibiri,  after we get out of this, I'll tell you everything, okay? I promise." Hikobane told me.

I nodded, and I heared Jinosuke laugh.

"No my dear boy, when I kill you, and she is with me, the power of a true demon will be unleashed. Now, Nibiri,  you have two choices, you can either come with me, and we leave peacfully, I will not kill him, or, you can hide behind him, and watch me slaughter him, like you father. Which shall it be?" Jinosuke was giving me a choice between life or death.

"No! She'll never go with you!" Yelled Hikobane, he was furious.

Jinosuke looked somewhat sad, and he unsheathed his katana once more. He walked forward, and raised it high above his head, he stood in front of Hikobane. But Hikobane never looked away, or moved, he stayed perfectly still in front of me.

    As Jinosuke swung his arm down, I stepped in front of him, and yelled.

"No, wait! I'll go!"

"No, Nibiri you can't-" Hikobane started.

"Smart girl." Said Jinosuke,  cutting Hikobane off.

I walked towords Jinosuke,  and he held his arm out. I looked at it, then grasped it, and looked at Hikobane. He was sad, I could tell.

"Nibiri..." he whispered.

"I don't want you to throw tour life away for me... it's better this way." I said.

"And I will keep my promise. Yuki, restrain him, and keep him that way untill we disappear. Come, Nibiri, let's return to our home, and welcome the new queen of the true demons back." Jinosuke said.

"Not on our watch!" There were several voices that yelled, and I had never been more happy in my entire life to see four of the most trustworthy people I had ever known.

Sweet dreams and unicorn tea partys ^-^♥♡♥♡

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