[chapter 5] first kiss

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"Hhhh." I sighed. I was exahusted, and wanted to sleep forever it felt like.

"Let's save it for another time, I think were all very exhausted." I told him.

They all nodded at me, and then we set off to find the town. I wasn't long before we took notice of the sky starting to lighten into a pastel blue. Then, the sun's rays peeked through the foilage.

Hikobane and I fell behind the others just a little ways, and we watched there rereating figures, but we stayed close enough not to get lost.

"Nibiri?" Said Hikobane.

"Yes?" I said.

He blushed slightly, and looked at me, smiling a little.

"May I hold your hand?" He asked. His face turned redder, and I giggled.

"Yes, you can hold my hand." I said smiling.

He laughted slightly, and took my small hand in his large one.

"Were getting farther away from them." He said.

He slowed down until we were at a complete stop. Then he turned to face me.

"I've been waiting to do this for a while now." He said. He leaned closer, and cupped my face.

Then, he brought his face slowly closer to mine, and then, he gently placed his lips on mine.

It was gentle, and sweet.

Then our lips parted, and I was sad for just a moment. But he wasn't finished.

He kissed me again, but it deepened, and when we parted again, I was left breathless, and flushed.

"I love you..." he whispered. And I relized something just then. I had never said it back, and then I relized for the first time, I had also started to love someone other than my father....

Ok, ive got the perfect schedual, ill update when I feel like it, or I have time, sorry, but im not cuttin it short, these guys r my babies ^-^

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