lost family

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    He was clearly very beautiful, even for a man. He wrote a dark mask that covered just his eyes, but he had a demonic air about him. He had sort spiky silver white hair, like mine, and pale skin. It looked like he had a red star shaped tattoo above his left eye, it was somewhat hidden beneath the mask.

    He had a sword in his hand, but he wrote a regal looking kimono, almost as if he were royalty, like me...

    He had furs covering him, they were white, and soft looking.

    "I see you've finally awoken, that's good, very good. How do you feel?" He asked. His voice, it was deep, and rich. It was beautiful. I had to suppress a sigh when he stopped talking. I was somewhat disappointed...

    "Uh, yes, I'm fine thank  you." I said bluntly.

    He smiled faintly, showing a little glint of bright, straight white teeth.

    I was pretty sure that his kainines were sharp and pointy.

    "You know, your actually pretty cute." He chuckled.

It made me uneasy, but he didn't make any move to come closer to me. Which I couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing, because I was relieved and disappointed to.

    My thoughts then immediately turned to Hikobane.I wondered if him and the others were alright...? And as if sensing my feelings, hire looked at me and sighed.

    "There alright by the way...your friends. They came seeking you, and I had just happened to catch your scent on the wind, and went to investigate. I heard them, and remixed they were demons, and you were to. So after a while of talking,I remixed the were friends, not for. So I brought you and them here, to my village. You'll be safe here, don't worry." He said.

    "Ah, thank you...I'm sorry you had to help us, and carry me,I hope I want a burden to you..." I said.

    "No, your perfectly ok,it was no problem at all. Oh, by the way, my name is Kajitoki Kira, most people just call me Kira.and your name is...?" He asked.

    "Oh! Sorry, my name is Nibiri. I'm very honored to meet you, Kira." I said, then I bowed deeper to him.

    He let out a little gap, and instantly tried forcing me to stop bowing.

    "Don't bow to me, I'm the one who should be on my knees...well, I fell ridiculous.."He said meekly.

    "Why do you feel ridiculous?" I asked, his response confused me, so I waited for him to explain.

    "Uh, mainly because I just hit on the demon princess,I was pretty informal, and I was in this house with you...alone....you were sleeping..." He said.

    "Ha. Haha, that's priceless...I don't go by princess, Nibiri is what I go by. So please if you don't mind..." I asked.

    "Of course, Nibiri...that's a very pretty name...." He said.

I was about to say thanks, but the door suddenly burst open. And then someone rushed in.

    It was Hikobane, and I Leroy up and we ran over to rather and meet in an embraced.

He hugged me tightly, and kissed my forehead.

    "I'm so glad to see you! After you left,I panicked, and set out to find you.then I met a man carrying you. At first, I thought the worst had happened when I noticed him carrying you. But you were still breathing, and I was so relieved..." He said. He stopped talking because he was about on the verge of tears,I heard his voice crack, and the raw emotion that was in it, I could tell he was very worried, and I felt bad...

                    And u began to explains to Kira when I seen his picked look...And that is when he learned of our mission, and situation.

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