[end of chaper] bonding moment

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As we made our way back, I settled down more and more. By the time we reached the door to the cabin, we noticed that Ryzaburo was waiting for us, it seemed as though he were pacing, waiting for us. We had finally got close enough for him to notice our presence,  the first thing he did was run the rest of the way to meet us.

"Hajime! We need to get the princess to safety,  we've been found! Jinosuke dispatched a hord of demons to attack us and kidnap her, I've given the task to guard her to Enojo and Hikobane, you, Raizo, and myself need to dispose of most of them, before they become a nuisance and we have to get serious!" He said.

"Alright, I'll go and regroup with Raizo,  I'll be expecting you soon." Hajime said, then turned away and continuedto stride toword the front of the building.

Ryzaburo turned to look at me, but instead looked over me, which wasn't hard for him, considering he was extremely tall compared to me. I also turned to look and see what he was watching, when I relized it was Enojo and Hikobane running to us.

    When they got to us, there was a seconds pause, and then we heard a loud crash, and cracking noise. I knew then, that someone, or rather, something,  was tearing the building aoart, like it was nothing.

We hadn't even been standing there a second, when Enojo scooped me up as if I weighed nothing at all. I was suprised and a little embarrassed to have been carried by a man I didn't know. I mean, it's not like I couldn't walk or anyrhing...

"Uhm, Enojo?" I asked.

"Yes?" He said.

"I don't want you to do aything that would be considered a nuisance, or be a burden for you, and I want you to know... I am capable of running on my own..."I stated.

He then looked at me with an amused smile, and glint in his eyes.

"I never thought I'd see the day..." he chuckled.

"See the day of what?"I asked curiously. I mean, I had no idea if he was talking about the fighting, or me in his arms...

"The day I was told by a woman that she'd rather risk her life running from demons who would love to kill her, than to be carried by a strong, fast, incredibly sexy, well toned and defi-"

"I get it already!" I exclaimed after cutting him off. After that he just had a steady smile on his face that made him look a little playful, but still the arrogant bad boy he was, and, quite honestly, I thought I looked just fine on him...

Before long, we stopped and rested to make sure we were well enough ahead of the creatures. And just as we thought it was safe, and started to let our guard down and relax, we were ambushed, the two of them fought at least seven or eight of the creatures.  They looked like pale, scaly humanoids, with pure white eyes, and no puples. They were, at best, seven and a half feet tall, and had four arms, some were holding oddly shapped weapons like spears, and what appeared to be swords. They had the face of an aligator, but it looked lime there flesh was rotting off, there were chunks of flesh missing from some of them. And there mouths were sewn shut, but, a closer look would reveal that, the stitches used to sew them up, had not stopped them for opening there mouths, because one roared and had no trouble with ripping the stiches open.

One had charged Hikobane, and nearly caught him off guard. But he was still too fast for the monster, and he doged and then slashed at its arm and cut one off. It roared out in agony as its bloody stup of an arm poured a black, thick liquid.

"Stay herw, don't move, and don't let there blood get on you, its a thick type of acid. Got it?" Enojo said.

All I could do was sit where he put me, and nod my head frantically.

I watched in horror as one after another came and was slain , but, it seemed that for ever one that died, two more would take its place. And I could tell that the pair were getting tired. I stared in wide-eyed awe, as they fought fearlessly, but, in the midst of battle Enojo cried out in excruciating pain. I knew then that blood had gotten on him, and started burning his flesh. Just as I thought there was no hope in wining, the winds picked up speed, and a miniature cyclone hurtled the remainder throughout the forest. Enojo turned to Hikobane, and said something, the minds were howling to loud so what they were discussing was incoherent. He then walked back to me.

"Hikobane is going to find the others, and tell them our situation." He said.

He then picked me back up, and then started running, I could tell he was miserable with the ammout of pain he was in. So I did the onlything there was to do. I forced him to stop.

"Why do you want to stop here?"

"Because, it's nicely hidden, there's a spring, and your hurt." I told him.

"This? Hah! This is nothing for me, if anything should worry you, it should be if those things are around."he said

"May I look?"

"Didn't I jus-" he began.

"Please, it would make me feel better if I had a look..."I said, cutting him off.

He look uncertain, but he complied to what I was asking. I walked down to the shallow part of the spring, and he followed. I the motioned for him to take the torso part of his an kimono off, and expose the wound. Which, was far worse than I had originally anticipated. I then looked at him in the eyes, and the concern must've been evident because his eyes then became kind, and he smiled, as if to reassure me that he was fine.

   I tore the outter sleeve off of my outer jacket to my kimono, and soaked it in the cool, clean, and fresh spring water, I rung it out, and looked at his, to warn him it wiuld sting.

   He grimaced at first, but then he relaxed and became less pained the more of the black sludge off of it.

    I then tore more of my jacket into strips and made a bandage out of them, to make sure his injury didn't get infections as we travled, I had a few extra so I kept thos tied aroung my left wrist like braclets, so I could change them out.

    As I was finishing wrapping him up, I went to stand, but before I could, he grabbed my wrists, to keep on me there, hut he never looked me in the eye, untill he said.......to be continued

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