[chapter 6] true father...

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As I watched Enojo walk away, I stole a glance at Ryzubaro. He had a sad look on his face, then it turned into one of determination. I didn't know what he was thinking, but he had resolved something.

"Nibiri, there's something we need to discuss..." he said.

I didn't think I even wanted to know what out was we needed to discuss... he looked scary.

"We're going to need everyone here for this tho." He said.

He got up and turned to the direction that Enojo went, and started jogging in that general distance.

I looked up at Hikobane, and studied his features. We was very handsome.

Either or was me, or the lighting or something because he looked even better today than usual.

His hair looked even softer to me, and his eyes seemed brighter. His pale skin seemed to look a little clearer, and beautiful today to me to.

I noticed that he was becoming more sociable, and less self conscious. For me it wasn't unusual to see Raizo shirtless, Enojo sometimes took his of to, but only occasionally. But now, I noticed Hikobane took his off for what seemed to be the first time, I didn't see what he was worried about, he was very attractive, and his scars weren't that bad. They seemed to be very thin little lines that criss crossed most of his body, but they were so little and pale they almost blended with his skin.

After a while Ryzubaro came back with a expressionless Enojo in tow. He looked tired and sad somewhat. But when or eyes met, he looked away angrily.

I wondered what I had done to anger him,I felt a twinge of sadness as he looked away. I would have to apologize to him later for anything I had done...

"Alright, now that everyone is here, there's something I need to say. As far as all of you know, I'm not a father,I've had no wife, or anything. Well, I want married, but,I did have a child. And with someone I knew very well...this is really hard and awkward for me to say, but...Nibiri, your mother and I...We well...We kinda...oh good how do I explain this...Nibiri, you are my biological child. Your mother and I grew up together, and we became more than friends...something grew as we got older, and it just happened to be love. I loved Yuri very much, and she loved me. I didn't know that she became pregnant...other wise you would have lived with me, even after she died...But to protect you and me, she hide you away, and told no one about her pregnancy...at least, until after she died...that's when I received a letter, she told me of your existence, and I set out to find you,I found you on your sixteenth birthday. I was a man at the castle who visited your father to congratulate him and you. I was mainly there to see if you were my child... you turned out to be the girl I was seeking...I was going to wait until you turned eighteen, but Jinosuke showed up before me, and that is how we saved you...I'm sorry...She left this" he said to me... I was severely shocked. I didn't know what to say...I just stared open mouthed at him...silent..

I didn't believe any of it, it seemed to unbelievable.

Mother, father, Jinosuke, Ryzubaro, everything...

I needed to get out, and fast.

That's how I ended up in the middle off the first, not knowing which direction to go, whet I came from, I just kept running.

I want sure how long I ran,I just know that I ran until my burning lungs gave out, and I passed out.

I awoke to the sound of a campfire, and the rustle of someone or something really close. I decided not to open my eyes, because I felt warm breath on my face. I nearly jumped and opened my eyes when I felt a child cloth touch my face, but I somehow managed to stay still and quiet.

After I felt the cloth leave my face, and the presence of the person leave,I waited a while, and then opened my eyes. I was in a house it looked like.

And the second most handsomely attractive man entered my line of vision, and he was clearly a demon to...

This is a picture of Nibiri with her mother's necklace :-)

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