far travels

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"Hey, Enojo, Nibiri, wake up."

"Hmmm..." I groaned. Who could be calling for me right now? Im so comfortable right now...

"Nibiri, wake up." Someone said, I'm pretty sure it was Enojo. But, that doesn't explain the other...

"Pssst, Nibiri, please wake up." Said Enojo.

"Hmmm...I'm comfortable tho...let me stay like this for a while longer..." I said.

I felt a rumble, and relized it was Enojo chuckling. I opened my sleep weary eyes, and looked up at him. Up untill just then, I had forgotten I had fallen asleep like that.

I got up quickly, which was a bad idea on my part, I was still wearing his shirt, and it barely covered me, its length was at least mid-thigh. And it had opened quite a bit to in the front from sleep, and my quick stand up. I immediately tried to adjust it to cover more, and I quickly ran behind a wide tree, where I had hung up my clothes, and then I put them back on, but then I relized, I had always needed help putting my kimonos on because I could never tie the ribbons in the back, nor could I see if I had everything layered right.

"Uhm, hey..." I yelled.

"Yes?" Someone yelled.

I then relized that the others must've found us, and I knew immediately by the sound of his voice, Raizo was the one trying to wake Enojo and I up just minutes ago.

"I kinda need some help with the ribbons..." I said, as I stepped out.

I walked up to him and turned, then I handed him the ribbons and ties for keeping it closed, and waited while he tied them into bows.

"There you go, boy am I glad to see you, Nibiri! Your quite the sight for sore eyes... and anyway, I'm glad Enojo kept you safe for me, I missed not having you in my company...so, did you miss me to?" He asked.

"Raizo! That is no way to talk to the princess! Forgive him, Mi'lady, he is insensitive at times, and a bit overbearing..." I didn't even have to turn to look at the person speaking, to know it was Hikobane. Him mannerism of speaking was very refined. I turned to look at him, but I had also spotted Ryzaburo, and Hajime, I was smiling with releif as all five of them came into my line of vision.

"Your all okay! Im so happy, no one was hurt, were they?" I asked.

Ryzaburo smiled kindly, and spoke for all of them,

"No, princess, we were not seriously injured, but we managed to scrape up a few cuts and bruises, and you seem well enough to." He said.

"Princess, if I may," Hajime asked.

"Of course." I said.

"We will be traveling, but, we will have to go as a seperate group again, so we can be more cautious. Hikobane will take you this time, Enojo and Ryzaburo will go together, and Raizo and I, will go as a group. Are you okay with this?" He asked.

"Yes, I have no problem with this arrangement." I said, I looked at Hikobane, who was now standing to my left, and I smiled at him. He smiled back, and then he told us we'd be taking the low road, since it was less risky.

We started walking a little bit before the others, since our route would take longer. I asked Hikobane how long the trip would take, he said it would be nearly a week. He asked if it was to far for me, but honestly, I was excited about it. When I told him my exclamation for being able to just travle, he was clearly shocked.

By the time of our first stop, I was a little weary, but I still felt good and energetic. I had suspected that Hikobane had been the silent type, but this was rediculous. I tried attempt after attempt to strike some small talk with him, but he just 'mhmm' and 'hmhh' or shook his head in a gruff yes or no reply. And just as I was losing all hope for a proper convorsation, he began speaking, I think he caught on that I was getting bored. He stated how nice the weather was, and how calm the skyies were.

"Hey, Hikobane?"I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"I don't want to pry or anything, but I don't know all that much about anyone, will you describe everyone for me?"I asked.

He stopped and looked at me, as if suprised my my question.

"I suppose I could help enlighten you..." he said.

"Thank you so much, Hikobane." I smiled.

"Well, Ryzaburo is our 'leader', I guess you could say. He is the oldest out of us." He said.

"Really? He doesn't look very old..." I said.

"Yes, I believe he is in his early thirties. Enojo is the second oldest, he's in his late twenties, or early thirties to. Hajime and I are about the same age, I am twenty-four, I believe he is twenty-five. And raizo is the youngest, he has only just turned twenty. Ryzaburo comes from a village, or a clan of settlers who move every time the water freezes, and he is more of a father figure to Raizo. Hajime, he is an only child, and orphan, he has a complicated past, and if you want to know more about it, you'll have to ask him. Enojo, he is from a village located in the reigon of Kiari. He is a very arrogant man, but, he is a good friend, and person. Raizo, he is still very childish, he refuses to take things very serious, but he is a relible person, you and him will become fast friends, I can already tell, he makes everyone smile, regardless of his mood. Anything else?" He said

"What about you?" I asked.

"I am...I am an orphan to, I do not have any recollection of my parents, but, I was placed in the same orphanage as Hajime, which is how we are now friends. At first, I disliked him, even fought with him, it got worse as we grew older, the fights became more frequent, and, we were more and more competitive. But I guess instead of hating eachother, we respected eachother, and came to a mutual understanding. I try seeing the logic in everything, and I am not a talkitive person, in fact, this is probably the most I've ever spoken in my lifetime." He laughed.

"Well, that helped me understand everyone a little better. Im glad I got you to talk to me finally." I laught to.

After that we finally got comfortable with eachothers presence, and smiled and talked more in eachothered company.

After walking for a while, I had stopped paying attention to my footing, and tripped, Hikobane had move faster than the wind, and caught me fairly quickly.

"Are you alright, Nibiri?" He asked.

"Ah, yes, thank you for helping me, Hikobane." I said.

He nodded and continued walking, I fell behind shortly aferward, and watched his retreating figure become smaller with time. And when he finally relized I was a ways behind, he retreated back to my side.

"Why are you limping, princess?" He asked, concern evedent on his face.

"I think I may have twisted my ankle falling..." I said.

He then bent down and took my injured right ankle in his hand. And he began to geltly touch it, feeling for swelling, he didn't say anything, but just turned, and stayed crouched.

"Get on my back, I'll carry you, I also give you my word I will not drop you." He said, and after a few minutes of debating it in ,my mind, I climbed onto his back, and might I just say, the veiw was incredible...

Teehee! I hope you liked this one, shelbee, Julie, and Bekah! ♥♡♥

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