demons within

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I stared in horror, as I looked at him. He had large black wings prodding out of his back, and a beak, that glinted ebony in the moolight.

His eyes we illuminecant in the darkness, they shone with a deep violet color, and he had long claws, almost like talons on his fingers, that had a metal glint to them.

"Nibiri, please-" he reached out to touch me, but my instincts told me to cringe back away from fear. I was dumbfounded and speachless. I quickly turned and ran out of the clearing.

I could hear him yelling my name frantically, but I just kept running. I was tired, and my lungs burned from exhaustion. I must've lost him because I couldn't hear his steps anymore.

"Oh, god... he's a demon... how...?" I stopped at the base of a huge tree, and sank to my knees. I though back to what I had seen, and then an image of Jinosuke killing my father flashed across my mind. They had said 'human' form, hadn't they? As all of this overwhelmed me, I began to sob, it was uncontrollable, and it left me feeling broken, and empty. If Hikobane wanted to kill me, he could for all I cared. I wanted my old life back, I wanted my father back, and I wanted to runaway. 'If he finds me' I thought,'he'll kill me, and it'll all be over....'

I sat there, continuing to cry. And then I felt warm, strong arms encircling me. I jumped immediately, and tried running away, but I just stopped and fell back down into crouch position, and began heaving. I fell very ill right then, and once again, I felt a strong pair of arms. He was pulling me closer to his chest gently, and stroking my hair.

"Shhh, it's alright, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise..." he said. I knew it was Hikobane, and even though just minutes ago, I was running from him, I wanted him to hold me tighter, and never let me go. I felt his words, and knew he really wouldn't hurt me. So I hugged him back, and wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, and buried my face in his chest. He hugged me close, and began to tell me everthing was alright, somewhere in the mess of me crying, and him trying to calm me, he apologized.

"I'm so sorry, Nibiri, I feel so horrible about you fonding out like that. I never ment, or even wanted so scare, and frighten you like that...I know that I must be disgusting to you now...I'm a complete monster. And I never wanted to scare the girl that I- well, never mind... I understand if you hate me, and want nothing more to do with me from now on, and I'll respect that..." he said.

I went to turn, and look up at him, but he held me tighter, so I couldn't.

"I don't want you to see me like this..." he whispered.

"I'm not afraid anymore. I know, even if you ate a demon, or a creature of the night, that my feelings for you won't change, you've grown on me this past week, and I care about you, Hikobane..." I said, and, even though I couldn't see his face, I knew that he was shocked by my words, because he loosened his grip, and I took advantage of the moment, and looked up. As I did, he also looked down, and his beak hit my forehead.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed. I reached up to touch the spot where it hit, and our hands met. Neither of us moved, and we continued to gaze into eachothers eyes. He started blushing, and so did I.

"Here," he said, "let me take this off." He reached up and unclasped something from behind his head, and then he removed his beak.

My shock was clearly evident, and he explained.

"This is just a type of wepon of mine, it is made of metal and ebony, it is not permanent." He een said then smiled.

"Oh." I said.

He looked back into my eyes, and then smiled, then blushed a little more. He then leaned closer to my forehead, and then said.

"I-I..." he studered.

Then, he kissed my little bump, from where his beak collided with my head, and then, he licked the cut, it sting when he did though. It actually felt a little better.

I looked up, just as he was about to kiss it again, and I turned my face away just in time, because he kissed my temple. Then he leaned his head on mine, and looked into my eyes, blushing very red.

"I'm sorry if that offended, or repulsed you, but, I have a healing power..." he said.

"Really?" I asked.

I looked up at him, and felt an overwhelming urge to hold his face in my hands, and kiss him back.

He smiled at me again, and asked me something.

"Do you wish to go for a walk in the sky with me?" He asked, he looked so innocet right then, his hair was waving in his face with the gentle breeze, and his eyes, they looked afraid, like he was expecting me to say no, and yet, they held a little hope in them, like he wanted me to say yes.

"I would love to, Hikobane." I said.

He smiled brightly at me, and then, he scooped me into his arms, and spread his massive wings. And I relized, I hadn't been dreaming that night, I was wake, and stroking them as we flew across the night sky.

I reached out and ran my fingers over them, and felt how familiar, and warm they were. They were so soft, like nothing I've eve touched before. I met his eyes as I did so, and he closed his eyes slightly, and shivered.

His eyes held a glint of something I've never seen before.

"You shouldn't mess with me like that, princess..." he said. The way he said princess, wasn't like other times, this time, instead of being formal, it was deep, and, sexy. He winked at me then, and I blushed.

He smiled lopsidedly at me, and then we took off.

When we were hight in the sky, he positioned me in front of him, with my back against his chest, and his arms encircling my waist.

I could feel his warm breath on my neck, and his lips brush my skin, as he spoke to me, which caused me to have goose bumps.

"I have to ask you a question." He whispered.

"Yes?" I said.

"Do you beleive in love at first sight?" His question suprised me, and I craned my neck to look at him, and as I did, he then leaned in closer, and started shutting his eyes...

Haha! What do you guys think'll happen next? Luv and fuzzy bunnies- DarkSpirit98 ♡♥♡

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