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"Hey! Is she okay yet?" Oh, its Hajime, actually, all of them are here now... I wonder if Ryzaburo went out and found them...Hmmm, now that I can finally see them all up close, there all actually pretty cute...wait, what? Why am I thinking this now?!

"Uh, princess?..." said Raizo.

Oh, no! I didnt even realize that I'd been staring at them...

"Um, if you guys don't mind,  will you please call me Nibiri? I don't go by 'princess'..." I asked.

Raizo smiled and walked towords me, when he got right next to me, he crouched so that I wouldn't have to crane my neck to look up at him.

Then he tousled my hair as if I were a small child, and he the older brother. He continued to smile at me and I couldn't help but smile back at him, it's like his attitude was infectious. Dispite my illness, having him smile was relaxing and made me feel a little better regardless of the situation.

"So, Nibiri, are you feeling any better now?" He asked.

"Yes, much better, Raizo, I think the fresh air helped." I said.

And again, I found myself in the middle of a group of men, and thinking about how attrative they were. Raizo had odd shades of orange and gold in his hair, like rays of the sunset, when its just about to cross over the horizon,  and you see that every color of gold imaginable seems to blend together into an endless array of color. His eyes were the most unusual about him though,  they looked like an endless pool of blue, they drew you in, like he could see right through you, he was intelligent, thats for sure.

"Uhm, can you please stop staring at me, Nibiri?.." he asked shyly, his face was turning a little red, maybe I had embarrassed him?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude and stare..."

"Naw, it's fine, anyway, glad to see a cutie like you smilin' anyway, suites you better than lookin' down and depressed, ain't like you, I think anyway, be sure you smile always, alright?" He said

I couldn't help but look down at my hands and try hiding how embarrassed I was, never before had I received such praise from a man before..

"Pri- uh, Nibiri, how are you feeling now? I am still worried that you may not have recovered as we so thought..." said Ryzaburo.

As I looked at him, I noticed defined features about him to. Like how when you look at him, and study him a little, he seems more refined, even older than the others, but if you just glance at him you don't notice anything unusual about him. He had dark red hair, again, there were different shades, some were lighter strands, others were ruby, or blood red. He had violet colored eyes, and im sure now that he was the eldest out of the five. He seemed to be a good person, he just gave off that feeling of trustworthiness.

And Hikobane, he had inky black hair, and coal colored eyes, he seemed to be the less talkitive one, he looked shy, but then again, I don't know him, he reminded me of a crow, his hair was black, but if the sunlight caught it just right, there were different hightlights of blue, purple, and a mixture of green and blue. A closer look into his eyes, they really were dark grey, but they had a deep violet around the iris.

And Hajime, his hair was a multi color mirage of purple, and he had eyes to match, they looked like the gemstone amythest. You couldn't tell much about him by just his appearance,  but my guess is that he enjoys bright, vivid clolors, he wore a rich kimono with pastel yellows, greens, blues, purples and other colors I didn't know the names of.

"Mi'lady, we must ask, or rather, insist, that you return to the cabin, and rest, you are still not well in any case." Said Hikobane.

"May I stay here for a little bit longer? I felt clostophobic in that cramped space, and I was frightened with the unfamiliarity of this place." I said.

He looked confused, but then, he simply said that it was fine as long as there were someone with me to make sure nothing happened, and that I was safe. I agreed to have anyone stay as log as they wanted to, but I'd go back when I had felt better, in the end, it was Hajime who ended up staying to keep watch of things.

    He didn't say anything,  and neither did I. We stayed silent, which is why I was startled when he asked me about how I had gotten mixed into this mess.

"Oh,  well, thats the thing, I don't know how..." I said.

"So, you mean, you woke up one day, went about your business as usual,  and then some random psycopath breaks in, and kills you father, and tries forcing you to marry him? Did I get it pretty much summed up?" He asked.

"Yes, all except the part where you five come in and rescue me... I've not had the chance to tell you thank you, by the way,  I've only thanked Enojo, and Ryzaburo. I've been meaning to tell everyone how grateful I am that you all are helping me, especially since we are not well aquainted. I don't know how I could ever hope to repay you all." And, as if he were unsure how to relpy to my thanks, and praise, he looked away with a slight pinkish stain spreading across is face, which made him look younger, and more attracive, he looked inoccent,  instead of the cool, calculated man from before, he look friendly, and approachable.

"Please, do not thank me, I have done nothing worth the praise een of a princess." He said.

"To me you have." I said quietly.

"Forgive me for seeming rude if I do, but, what was your father like? How were you raised?" He asked.

At first I was taken aback by his question, I wasn't sure how to answer it, but then I just answered him with my honesty.

"It does not bother me to be asked, and I wouldn't mi d telling you of him, and how my childhood was. My father was an incredible man, he treated everyone fairly, even the lowest of servents, or staff members, he did his best to help those In need, especially those who were unfortunate enough to be held in poverty. He believed that to have a strong kingdom, you must have a strong goverment, and to have a stong government,  you needed a strong community, and to have even that, a strong bond with your people was key. To him, everyone was an equal, everyone deserved to live happy, to live free from an operssive ruler, which is why when he held meetings that involved town affairs, he included his people.  I wanted to create a peaceful world, one in which, everyone in its entirety,  would come to respect, and rely on eachother.  He loved me with as much love as he loved anyone who was dear to his heart. Like my dear mother. I wish I could say that I was loved equally by them, but, she past as she was giving birth to me, so I was raised without her, but my father cared for me regardless of what happened, he did not think I killed her, he thought I was a precious gift. And he treasured me, untill the day he died. Living in the palace was fine also, I had been kept company by the maids, and the governesses. I wasn't raised around other children,  so I lacked social skills, but what I lacked in social skills I made up for in intelligence,  I was bound and determined to become the person my father was, I wanted to rule just like him, and I will carry that dream out even now, even if it kills me..." I said.

"I hope someday you will, lady Nibiri. Anyway, I think we should head back, it's becoming dark now..." he said.

And so we headed back to the cabin, to regroup with the others...

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