his point of veiw

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I had heard her get out of the water, and the rustle of silk. I knew that she had put my shirts on. I had finished washing off the blood, and dirt, and sweat. So I got out, I seen her trying to arrange her hair, and get it to look decent,  I thought see was kinda cute to begin with, but in a babyish kinda way. She didn't look all prime and proper, and her hair was wild and my shirts on her were long, but not long enough, so there was quite a bit of leg exposed, they were long, and shapely. She had a slender frame, but she was curvy, and well proportioned, if you get my meaning, her hair had been up, and in hair pins and sticks. But it was down now. It curled around the shoulders some what to, it was all dirrerent lengths. It was an odd color, It shone light pure silver, like starlight. The ends had a light color to them. They were almost pure white. It all cascaded down her back, and I'm pretty sure that she may have been sitting on some of it.

   Her eyes, they were a pale yellow, like dandelions.

"Here," I said, "use this." I handed her my comb, she took it, but then just stared at it, like she didn't know how to use it.

"Well then, allow me." I said. I started brushing her hair, and I had been right, it was much longer than I had thought, I was pretty sure that if she stood up, I would have touched the back of her knees, or pretty close to it.

"There's so many tangles. " I said. I didn't mean anything buy it, but I guess it must've hurt her feelings.

"I've been growing it out, so I'm sorry if it's difficult for you, I can take over anytime..." she said.

"No, it's alright, I've got it." I said.

She then began to relax once more, I had gotten all of the tangles out long ago, but, for some reason,  I just didn't want to stop. I had fi ally gotten her to smile, laugh, and now relax. As I brushed her hair, my mind wandered.

    It wandered about yesterday, I had held her in my arms, she was so tiny, I thought that the wind could crush if it blew to hard. It wandered about earlier, she had cared for me, dressed my wounds.  And even tried giving me water. I smiled to myself, as I thought of her face flush as I held my hands out to let her drink. She was cute just them, and I couldn't help but smile. As my mind wandered, I felt a pressure on my chest and stomach. I had stopped combing her hair and looked down. She had fallen asleep and slumped against me. I sat there, and stroked her hair as she slept. After awhile of doing that, I got tired to, but I knew we had to move, we had about three good hours of daylight before the sun started setting.

    I had gotten tired somwhere along there, with the rythimic sound of her breathing, the water running, and the soft sounds of the wind in the trees, I had fallen asleep, but with one question on my mind.

    How was I going to tell her that she's been with a demon this entire time?

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