letters from yuri

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    The letter read...,

                          Dear Ryzaburo,

          I know that when I left, my duties as the new all mother wolud be abandoned, my duties as the demon clan leader would fall to Jinosuke. And I also know, that leaving would be the hardest, because of you.

          We grew up together, we played together, we laughed and cried together. I never knew how much you truly ment to me, until it was to late.

         The real reason I'm writting this to you, is because I'm pregnant. I left to protect you. I left because lord Yagyu could take care of me, and our child... no, not his and mine, mine and your child, I've decided on a name for her... Nibiri, after the all mother. My mother.

          I need your help in protecting her, and by the time this letter is delivered to you, and you read it, I will have died, of child berth, just as the oracle predicted...

                                                                                                Love Yuri,
                                                                        Your most faithful and loyal friend

    This letter made Ryzaburo come out of hiding, one dreary afternoon.

    He wept at the sudden loss of his closest friend, his lover, and companion. But he relized.... he was a father, he had to protect his child no matter what, even if itkilled him.

     He spent six~teen years looking for his daughter, and found her, then, he waited until she was eight~teen to actually  meet her. He Web met her in the worst possible way.

    Her step father had been murdered, and he hated the hurt fellings she felt after watching it...

Aaaannnndddd theres the cliff hanger. ^-^  ♥~DarkSpirit98

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