Chapter 20

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This is in the honor of Cameron Boyce who sadly left this world to early!!!!!!

Jay walked inside the room to find Carlos on the bed talking to Dude. He kicked his feet back and forth, every now and then Carlos threw his hand up. Jay stood at the doorway blinking a few times to find out what is happening.

"And then," Carlos giggled. "After all that stuff we did that night. We ate. Doesn't sound romantic to you but it was very romantic to me."

"Thanks, I try," Jay said.

"Dude, you didn't try anything-- wait! Jay?" Carlos turned around to see Jay walking in. "How long were you listening?"

"Sorry to ruin your gossip session but the practice is over. So yeah."

"But you usually go out with the team. You know and why do you have a shirt on. You never come back with a shirt."

Jay looked away with a red face, "Well yeah . . . if you didn't scratch my back then we wouldn't be in this mess."

Carlos's face turned bright red as he looked away also. Jay closed the door shrugging his shoulders. He tossed his practice bag on the floor, then his shirt followed. He looked in the closet for clean clothes. Carlos pressed his lips together as he looked at Jay's back.

Just last night they had their date and had their first time together. Carlos is still sore about last night. Jay told him that his back hurt at the time and sometimes sting. But neither of the teenagers would take back they done. Not to mention most people already know because of the hickeys and bite marks.

Jay settled for a white t-shirt and gym shorts. He laid next to Carlos who smiled down at him. Carlos brushed back Jay's hair. The blonde sighed as he tapped Jay's forehead.

"Evie taught me how to cover hickeys today," Carlos said.

"What? Seriously?" Jay asked, worried.

"Then she freaked when she found out what we did."

"She should've been happy. After all, she planned that date."

"Yeah, but she didn't plan that."

Jay snorted, "I guess not."

Carlos rolled his eyes. Jay grabbed Carlos by the waist and pulled him down. Carlos snorted as he wrapped his arms around Jay's neck. He put his leg over the tan's boys body. Jay buried his face in Carlos' neck.

Jay's fingers tapped along his hips. Carlos smiled brightly. He started to rub his nose along Jay's cheek. Jay snorted at the feeling. He found these days very peaceful with Carlos. Carlos was overly affectionate and loved to wrap himself around Jay. 

Jay likes to thank that puppy spell for that. Sure he can find the tail wagging annoying at times but Jay is a hugger. And he loves to be clung to. Which is odd for him to say.

He could remember the story of how this all started. Carlos thought it would be a good idea to wear a shirt while Jane enchanted it. Not using his brain to think that Jane was brand new at magic. And all for a t-shirt to have a dog collage basically. Ja couldn't help ut to think that Carlos has a lot of book smart but when it comes to common sense.

Not so much.

"What are you laughing at?" Carlos asked.

Jay smiled, "About you trusting Jane blindly."

"I thought nothing could go wrong."

"Which worries me."

"She did do what I wanted though." Carlos giggled. "Sorta."

"You wanted a dog shirt not become a dog!" 

Carlos sighed, "Now in my defense. At the time I didn't know I wanted to be able to turn into a dog. So I could have missed out on a HUGE amazing opportunity."

"Or you could've died."

"Now Jay you didn't have to go to the dark side."

Carlos pushed himself up resting on his elbows. He looked down at Jay who raised an eyebrow his way. Jay sighed. Once again annoyed by Carlos' lack of common sense. These are the rare moments he wished Carlos didn't spend so much time in the textbooks at the Island.

Jay kept his hand on Carlos' hip. Carlos pouted before flopping on his back. The blonde pulled away from Jay in order to lay flat on his back. Jay turned his head so he could look over at him. Carlos is still pouting.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked him, worried.

"I still didn't get my dog shirt." Carlos sighed.

Jay laughed loudly at that comment.

Carlos looked over at Jay with a small smile. He rubbed his ear from Jay's loud laugh but didn't complain out loud. Jay took Carlos in his arms again, pulling him close so he could press his face about Carlos' blonde curls.

The blonde put his hands over Jay's with the same smile. Jay sighed in the blonde curls. Both of the teenage boys talked about random things. Laughing at the corny jokes, even at the cringy ones. Neither one pulling away from each other. Both of them loves the warmth from the body of the other.

"Hey, Jay?" Carlos said.

Jay hummed as a response. 

"I'm really happy here." The blonde whispered.

"Yeah. Auradon is pretty cool." Jay said, nodding.

Carlos flipped to face him, "I wasn't talking about Auradon, Jay." 


"I meant with you. I'm really happy because we are dating."

Jay's face burned bright red. It was even redder than last night. Somehow he found this way more embarrassing them having sex with Carlos. How is that possible?

Carlos raised his eyebrow, "What about you?"

"M-me too." Jay stammered.

He couldn't say anything else. Carlos seemed to catch on with a large smile. He leaned forward to rub noses but Jay grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips. Carlos face burned underneath his hands but he didn't pull away from Jay.

'Cause he really is happy with Jay.

Heyyo Guyys!!!!!!!!!!

What we thinks??? Sorry for the wait, I just wanted it to be perfect for Cameron Boyce. I hope you enjoy this sweet chapter!!!! Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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