Chapter 5

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Before Taehyung headed for the front door, he made a detour to your room. Today you would be staying home with the new tutor. Taehyung felt annoyed that he wasn't allowed to stay home at least for the day to check out the situation and to make sure nothing fishy will happen with the new tutor. Taehyung doesn't trust that guy at all.

He shook you but you slapped his hand off and turned your body to the other side of the bed. He rolled his eyes and shook you a few more times with no success. "You leave me no choice my little duck." he said maliciously before pulling the blanket off of you and tickling your feet. Your eyes shot open in an instant and your reflex took over. What that meant was kicking Taehyung in the face. "Shit, what the hell Y/N?" he yelled out, cupping his face.

"I should be asking you that. It's what you get for tickling me!" You pulled the blanket back up and looked at the clock, it was almost time for school. "What are you doing in here anyways? You're going to be late."

Taehyung sat down and patted your head. "Be careful today, okay? I won't be here to check in on you. So make sure you eat and stuff."

"Are there any channels I'm not allowed to watch appa?" you asked sarcastically.

"Ha ha." he laughed dryly. "But seriously, I'm worried about leaving you here alone with that guy. I-"

"You don't like him, right?"

"How do you know?"

"Did you forget? It's the twin thing." you chuckled. "And besides, you're terrible at hiding your expressions when eomma and appa talks about him."

"There's something about him that's suspicious." Taehyung continued. You only nodded slowly. After the realization of who Namjoon was, you didn't tell your parents. In fact you had said that you want him to be your tutor. Your mother joked that it was because he's good looking and though you internally admitted that fact, it wasn't the reason. He was struggling, he needed help and if you didn't give him a chance, who would?

"Please don't worry, I'll be fine. I have the pepper spray you gave me and Jungkook taught me some self defense moves. Go to school before you're late." He stood up and closed the door gently behind him. He was still worried of course, but he trusts that you could call him if anything happens.

Your mother stayed behind to wait for Namjoon with you and then she would go to work. She wasn't especially worried because your parents had asked some of their investigator friends to do a background check on Namjoon to make sure he wasn't lying and isn't a criminal. He was neither of those things, which made it even more unfortunate regarding his mother. You wondered if he would be open to talking about it. It didn't seem like he has any other family besides her.

Though he isn't a criminal of sorts, he did steal from you. And though you're not mad, you're determined to get your hairpin back. At exactly 9, he knocked on the door and wore a different color sweater vest, blue which complimented his dark hair. Once again, he wore his glasses which for some reason you felt was fake. Your mother showed him around the house some more. "Alright, I'll be off now. I made lunch for you two on the stove." She went to kiss your cheek. "Be careful, okay? If you're tired, just tell him and go rest. Please don't forget to take your pills. I can call-"

"Eomma, don't worry, I have a timer." you reassured her with a smile. Actually a few timers thanks to Taehyung. She nodded but then turned to Namjoon.

"Please make sure she takes her medicine." The young man was confused but nonetheless nodded.

"Of course Mrs. Kim. I'll make sure of that." After she left, the air of awkwardness hung in the air. You stared at your feet while Namjoon looked at you with caution. "Let's get started shaw we?" You followed him to the kitchen table as he began setting out the reading materials. "We'll get started with math." he said. The lesson began and you finally noticed how his voice almost didn't match his face. It was low, matured while his face still had some baby features like his little nose.

He sensed that you were looking at him but said nothing, instead continuing the lesson. "The product rule of logarithm is the log of the product of numbers is the sum of logarithms of individual numbers. So how about we try this exercise?"

"Alright." He watched as the pencil moves, leaving marks on the paper. He was surprised that you had finished after 5 seconds. Without further instruction, he watched as you finished the whole page. "Done."

"Wow, you're great at this." he said in astonishment.

"Thanks. I pick up things really fast." you replied. Once again, the awkwardness hung in the air and it was suffocating.

"I feel like you don't really need me." he chuckled.

"Thanks, I wouldn't say that." you said quietly. Honestly you didn't know how to talk to him. A part of you wanted to confront him but you also wanted to be his friends because he needs one. He sighed as he watched your body language.

"Y/N, you remember me don't you?"

Your mouth hung open and you debated if you should lie or not. "Yes." you answered, finally looking at him.

"Why didn't you tell your parents? And why did you agree to hire me?" His eyes widened a little bit. "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"You didn't leave me on the ground, If you wanted to hurt me, you would have done that before teaching me log." you chuckled softly. "From the interview, I really felt that you're a genuinely nice person who is just going through a bad time. And with your mother being sick, I can't fault you for doing that."

"You're really naive, did you know that?"

"Life's too short for me to be scared of everything." My life is too short, you thought. "But promise me you won't do it again."

Namjoon sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll try."

"Can I ask where my hairpin is?" you asked timidly.

"Oh, um," he began. He seemed visibly uncomfortable and regretful. "I sold it." Even though you knew that would be the answer, somehow hearing the confirmation broke your heart even more.

"I see." you said quietly. You turned away so that he couldn't see the tears but it began staining your notebook like little raindrops.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I can try and get it back."

"No, it's fine." you answered. "There's no point. Soon I won't need it anymore." Namjoon wanted to question that statement but you had already gone back to doing the exercises and something told him to leave you alone. 

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