Chapter 10

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"So Namjoon, how is Y/N doing with her assignments?" your father asked while slurping the stew. Your mother made a disgusted face and elbowed his stomach to have some manners. She sat next to him and Taehyung while you sat next to Namjoon across the table.

"She's doing wonderfully." Namjoon answered. "I enjoy reading her essays, she brings a new perspective on writing. I'm actually learning a lot from her as well."

"Really?" your whole family, including you, asked at the same time.

Namjoon chuckled. "Yes. The way she describes things is unique, not purely physical description, but emotional as well. She wrote about having tea in the morning and I've been drinking tea instead of coffee. Her writing is really beautiful."At his comment, you couldn't help but look down to hide your grin. There was a strange feeling in your stomach, like moths being attracted to the light. It's a fatal fall and you are well on your way.

"She's always been good at that." Taehyung commented while stuffing his face with rice.

"She's also really good at other subjects. Pretty soon, she won't need me anymore."

"She doesn't need you now." Taehyung said under his breath, but he had always been bad at being quiet. The table heard it, Namjoon heard it and lowered his head. You kicked Taehyung from across the table.

"Taehyung, please." you said. "I'll take any help I can get."

"Y/N, it's fine." Namjoon said quietly. "Taehyung-ssi, you're right. Y/N is really bright and I'm happy to know I've been useful to her and your family."

"Aright, enough of this," your mother said, "Let's enjoy dinner." You all obeyed that order and ate dinner peacefully with only a few comments about how tasty everything is. After all the food was completely devoured, Namjoon offered to clean up. He was so persistent that your mother had to agree. He washed the dishes while you dried them and storing them in the cabinet.

"Thank you for dinner." he said.

"I'm glad you liked it." you answered. "I'm sorry about Taehyung."

"It's clear that he doesn't like me very much."

"I don't know why. He's not usually like this. He loves people and loves making friends. I don't know why he's so reserved towards you." You sighed. Your head began to pound while you visions started looking like TV statics. You shook it off and continued drying the dishes.

"Maybe he sensed that I did something bad." Namjoon whispered. "Or maybe he thinks that I'm trying to take you away from him." He didn't exactly know why he said that when he knew it was ridiculous. Taehyung wouldn't be jealous, especially not with someone like Namjoon. But there is some truth in what he said, that he is feeling something. He waited for your answer, but got nothing. Instead, he heard glass shattering and out of the corner of his eye, saw your falling figure. "Y/N!" he yelled out and managed to catch you before you could hit the ground.

At the sound of the yelling, your family rushed into the kitchen and Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw you unconscious. He ran up to you and grabbed you from Namjoon. "What did you do to her?" he growled. Namjoon said nothing, his eyes still glued on you. You looked as fragile as you did from that night. But this time, he felt terrified and all he wanted was to hear your voice. Taehyung was crying as he carried you to the couch. Namjoon was still frozen on the floor.

"I called Dr. Jung. He's at the hospital right now and said we should bring her there." he heard your father saying.

"The hospital?" Taehyung repeated. "No, she just needs to rest." He felt his throat burning as the tears threatened to come out.

"Sweetie, c'mon. We have to listen to Dr. Jung." your mother said, grabbing his shoulder. He shook her off.

"No, she has to stay here." Taehyung shook his head as he clings on to your hand.

Your mother sighed, "Taehyung."

"If she goes to the hospital, she'll die." he argued.

"If she doesn't go, she'll die here, Taehyung!" Namjoon jumped and snapped out of his thoughts. It was your father, who yelled out of frustration. He was also in pain and hated seeing his children unhappy. No matter how many times he has seen you in this state, it'll always stab him in the heart. "I'm sorry, but we need to get her to Dr. Jung." Taehyung finally gave in and got up to carry you. At that moment, Namjoon got back on his feet and approached.

"Oh Namjoon, I'm sorry for scaring you like this." your mother said, giving him a weak smile. "Y/N....has some health issues. We're gonna take her to the hospital now. I can call you a cab home-"

"Actually, if it isn't too much to ask, could I go with you guys?"

"Oh, why?" your father asked.

"Yeah, why would you do that?" Taehyung snapped. "It's only for family."

"Kim Taehyung, that's enough out of you." your mother yelled.

"It's okay Mrs. Kim. I just want to be there to make sure she's okay." Namjoon answered. Your parents saw the sincerity in his voice and agreed. He sat in the back with Taehyung while you rested on your twin's shoulder. Taehyung had his arms around you and would eye Namjoon from time to time in a male dominance way.

The nurses took you to Dr. Jung while the rest of the family and Namjoon stood outside by the seats. Taehyung walked back and forth in front of the door and it made Namjoon dizzy. They seemed to be responding appropriately, but with an air of calmness. He knew it wasn't the first time this has happened because he saw how you fainted that night. But he also knew it wasn't the second, or the third. There's something going on that no one was telling him.

The door opened to reveal who Namjoon would guess to be Dr. Jung. The man adjusted his glasses while looking down at his clipboard. Taehyung ran to him. "How is she?" he asked. "Can I see her?"

"Y/N is fine. She is still unconscious so you should come back tomorrow to let her rest." He turned to your parents. "I won't sugarcoat it, I don't think she's getting better. And I know she refuses to get treatment, which I respect, but we need to look at other options."

"Like what?" you mother asked.

"Surgery." the doctor answered flatly. "But we want that to be the last resort because there's a high chance for complications."

"Like what?" Taehyung asked.

"She could remain in a coma, or she could die." Namjoon let out an involuntary gasp. In his heart, he felt the strings breaking. Even if he doesn't know what was going on with you exactly, he can't imagine his life without seeing you or hearing your laugh. "We can talk about more options later on, but for now, she needs a lot of rest." The doctor left and Taehyung ran after him to see if there's anything else he can do for his twin. Namjoon saw how red his eyes were. Namjoon slid down the wall and hugged his knees as he watched your parents embracing.

After a while they bid him goodbye, he didn't let them take him home. But before calling the cab, he went back into the hospital and stood in front of your door. Through the window, he could see you lying soundlessly on the bed with tubes attached to your arms. The image reminded him of his mother. Maybe it finally clicked him, or some other force inside him, but he began crying. 

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