Chapter 20

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"Don't worry, my parents aren't here." Taehyung said. "They went home to rest for the night, I'll go in just a bit." Namjoon wasn't really listening. He could only stare at your sleeping face. But he knew you weren't sleeping, you were somewhere far away. When Taehyung called, he didn't really explain much except to tell Namjoon to meet him at the hospital. He figured you had fainted again but he would never have imagined that you went into a coma. Taehyung did freak out a little when he saw Namjoon's bruised up face, but didn't ask any questions.

"Is she okay?" Namjoon finally asked.

"She's going into surgery tomorrow. There's a chance that she might not wake up, ever. Fuck, I should be the one that's in a coma. She doesn't deserve this."

"Taehyung-ssi, don't say that. No one deserves this pain and I'm sure she wouldn't want you to be upset." Namjoon hesitated to hold your hand. He gave Taehyung a questioning look and Taehyung nodded. The feeling of your hand was one that was familiar to him, except your hand was much colder this time. He held it closer to his chest, hoping to warm it up. "Why did you call me here?"

"I figured you would want to see her. You talk to her before the surgery. If she wakes up then that's great but if she doesn't, then I don't want you to have any regrets."

"I really appreciate that. But what about you?"

"I've already made peace with it a long time ago. But I'll be here on the day of her surgery. I don't think it will be a good idea for you to show up then." he answered, shoulders dropping just a bit. Out of everyone, Namjoon figured Taehyung would be the most affected by this. Namjoon was selfish when he thought he was the only one hurting.

"Thank you, Taehyung-ssi. I know she'll wake up, but thank you for allowing me to be here tonight."

"Make sure you leave before my parents come tomorrow." Taehyung reminded before closing the door. Namjoon turned the main light off, only letting the bedside lamp to be on. He watched your chest falling and rising. Small breathes, just like his mother.

"I don't know if you can hear me right now, and I don't know if you would even want to. But please keep on fighting. God Y/N, there are so many places you need to see and so many things you still have to do. I might not be the person you want to do those things with, and that's okay. You just need to wake up and finally live life. The life you deserve." He took the hairpin out of his pocket and placed it in your hand. "This has been away from you for so long. I'm sorry that I'm finally giving it back to you. If I could go back, I would change that night. I would have met you in a better way. I would have been honest about everything. But please remember that I truly love you, not for the money, not because of Taehyung, but because of who you are. When you wake up, I won't be around anymore. So remember to take care of yourself and live happily and healthily."

Before he left, he planted a soft kiss on your forehead. The hairpin now in your hand.


His voice was filling your mind, strange, since you haven't heard it for so long. It was like a broken cassette, the sound was sometimes inaudible, but you knew it was his voice. Your body was more in focus now, you could feel the muscles moving and aching. You could feel the dryness of your throat, the rumbling in your stomach, the numbness of your fingers.

The light of the room was the first thing you saw. White ceiling with some swirls in the cement. The monitor to your left indicated that your heartbeat had fastened. People jumped out of their chairs and ran towards the bed. "You're awake." they all said. It took a few seconds for your visions to clear up. Taehyung's face was the first to be registered. He was crying with his boxy smile. You reached out to caress his cheek.

"Hi Tae Tae. I've missed you."

"Fuck, Y/N. You got to sleep this whole time while I was worried sick." he pouted. "You didn't wake up right away after the surgery. That was last week."

"Sorry." you chuckled. "But how am I?"

"Sweetie, you're cancer-free!" you parents exclaimed. The world stopped for a second, those were the words you never thought you would hear. The tears occurred on cue, and so did the family hug. For so long, you felt powerless, but today, this is a new life. As you pulled back from the group hug, you saw something glimmering on the table.

"My hairpin." you gasped. "But how?" Your parents looked at each other and shrugged. Taehyung leaned in closer.

"He came to visit. He said this was the last thing he could ever give you."

"Where is he?"

"I don't know. I tried calling him after your surgery to tell him the good news, but I couldn't get a hold of him. It seemed he moved somewhere else."

"Moved? But what about his mother..."

"She passed." It was your mother. "I called the hospital, hoping to find out his whereabouts, only for them to tell me that her surgery didn't go well. Namjoon took care of her funeral and left." Your heart broke a bit, he's all alone now. The only reason he started doing this was for his mother, and now he has no one left.

"He even paid for your surgery, to pay his debt, he said." your father continued. "He left the box of the stuff he took in front of our door along with a note to apologize. I couldn't believe he was the thief."

"We have to find him."

"Why?" Taehyung asked. "Aren't you mad at him for hurting you?"

"Yes, but he's hurting right now and someone needs to be there for him. Tae Tae, I could have died and I would have never known he did all of this. I have to see him now, even if it's just to move on." Then you looked at your father with pleading eyes. "Appa, please help me find him and please don't hurt him."

Your father adjusted his glasses. "If you forgive him, then we will as well. I'll find him for you."

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