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Taehyung adjusted your cap while you did the same to his. "I can't believe it's time." he chuckled.

"Honestly I never thought you would graduate." you joked.

"Pst, I'm smarter than you think."

"Yes, yes, you are smart."

The ceremony went on forever. The school suggested you to be the class speaker because you survived cancer but you humbly declined. You no longer wanted that to be apart of your identity. Yoongi cheered the loudest when Taehyung walked across the stage to receive his diploma. Taehyung blushed a little but then blew a kiss at the elder, something Seokjin taught him. Of course they cheered for you too, but you were hoping for someone in particular. It's been a few months and there still hadn't been any news of him. Wherever he was, you hoped he was living well.

Your parents handed both of you giant bouquets of flowers. "Thank you eomma, papa." Taehyung said before kissing both their cheeks. No matter how old he is, he'll always adore them.

"Congratulations you two. We knew you could do it. We're so proud of you. From now on, there will only be happiness in this family." your mother declared. Your dad nodded. His phone chimed telling him about a new message. He looked at it and then quickly looked at you.

"We found him."


You watched him from the car. He was with a group of kids, tendering the garden of a kindergarten somewhere far from the city. He had a smile on as he explained with his hands how to care for certain flowers. "He turned himself into the police. Considering his records and testimonies from people who knew him, they sentenced him to do some volunteer work. Though the sentence ended already, he still comes here all the time to help." you father explained.

"I see."

"I'm assuming you're not just going to sit here and watch him."

"I'm scared appa. I don't know what to say to him. I don't even know if he wants to see me."

"Sweetie, I don't think he knows if you're alive or not. I'm sure it will be a good surprise." he laughed. "I know your hesitation. I'm sorry I haven't been the most involved in your life and I don't know a lot about your feelings. But when you love someone, it makes no sense at first. Sometimes you just have to say fuck it and go for it."

"You sound like mom."

"Well, it wasn't easy for us to be together. We both went against our parents' wishes. Whatever you choose to do, I'm here for you, sweetie."

"Thank you appa." You kissed his cheek then got out of the car. The dirt road was uneven and felt uncomfortable, even with your shoes. The school looked a little run down, paint chipping and the metal gate already corroded halfway. The only thing nice about it was the garden, and the dimple man standing in the middle. A girl noticed you approaching and tugged on Namjoon's shirt. He looked at her then follow her finger to see you. When his eyes landed on you, he dropped the water bucket, splashing it on the children. He didn't apologize but instead ran to tackle you.

It took your breath away, literally. His arms encircled your waist as his head pressed against the crook of your neck. You stayed still for a second. He pulled back, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I was just making sure that you're real and you're really here."

You punched his shoulder lightly. "I'm real and I'm here."

"Why?" he asked.

"You thought paying for my hospital bills and sending stuff back to my house would fix everything?"


"How could you just leave like that? I waited for you, I wanted to see you even if I thought I hated you." you wailed. "I'm so sorry about your mother. You must have felt so alone."

He wiped the tears from your cheeks gently. "It's okay. She's in a better place now and in a lot less pain. It makes me happy knowing that. And I'm sorry for leaving you. I wanted a fresh start."

"Did you want to forget about me?"

"A little. But that was an impossible mission from the start. You were in my dreams, in flowers that I water, in the clouds that I watch. I'm so fucken happy you're alive. You need to stay alive from now on, live a happy life."

"I will. And you'll be in my life."


"You said you would take me places and do so many things with me when I wake up."

"Y/N, I didn't mean me. I mean I would love to, but I can't, not after the mistakes I've made."

"You did do a lot of things, and I'm still in the process of healing and trusting again. But I know I'll want you around. You're the only one that can fix this. Besides, you promised to do something once I graduate, remember?"

He broke into a shy grin and kicked the dirt. "I remember. If you'll still have me, I would love to court you, Y/N." Instead of answering him, you pulled out the hairpin. He tilted his head.

"You should put it on me." you told him. He obeyed, carefully grabbing the pin and went around to place it on your low bun. When he finished, he wrapped his arms around you again and laid his head on your shoulder. You melted into his embrace. 

It was the beginning. "Now I know I really need you." he whispered. 

Similar to Taehyung, your father didn't like another guy touching you. But he turned away to give you some privacy. He was your happiness now, your new life. You two had just forgotten about the school children watching in awe and some in disgust.  

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