Chapter 8

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The afternoon market was buzzing. It was around the time people were starting to get out of work or out of school and the outdoor market was the spot to feel at ease once again. Up and down the street were vendors with an array of colors and smells. People wore business suits or uniforms. Either way, the smiles on their faces remained as they talked to various elders and tasting snacks that looked like all sorts of animals.

It was your first time back in a few months. Although it was only a few miles from the house, your mother had always been reluctant to take you to crowded location. But you had begged her for weeks and she agreed under the condition that you would stay right next to her. You joked that you would handcuff yourself to her if she wanted.

"What do you want to eat for dinner tonight, honey?" she asked as she scanned the vegetable stand. The green color was pleasing to the eyes, along with some red of tomatoes and purple of eggplants.

"Eomma, I think this is something we should have talked about before leaving the house." you chuckled.

"Your appa tells me that all the time too. But I think being spontaneous is fun." she shrugged.

"You're an attorney, I don't think spontaneous is something you should like." you pointed out. Nearby, a child tugged on her mother's dress and pointed at some apples. The mother was on that point and waved the child off dismissively. How unfortunate.

"Alright miss smarty pants. You can't live life according to some sort of plan made by some non-existent force in this world. Sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and fight it head on." She picked up some squash and nodded to herself. "How about a stew?" she asked.

"Sure." You glanced over at the girl, still staring at the apple. She held her bunny tightly and swayed back and forth. "Fuck it." you said. You headed over in that direction and your mother noticed immediately. It seemed she had also saw what happened and was proud of you for doing something about it. Your hand was ready with the money for the apple but someone else beat you to it.

You saw a flash of the same dimple illuminating in front of the setting sun. It created a starlight glow of his silhouette. His hair wasn't as fluffy as usual, but somehow he looks more like a baby now. His usual sweater vest wasn't on which you were thankful for, replaced by a large green hoodie and some jeans. He also had on what looked like a pink apron with tiny crabs on them. He grabbed the apple that the girl had been eyeing and handed it to her, but not before wiping it clean on his apron.

"Here you go." he said, giving her a bright smile.Timidly she looked away first, but couldn't take her eyes off of the apple. The mother still hadn't noticed.

"I don't have any money." she answered quietly.

"Don't worry, it's on oppa." He put the apple closer to her face.

Her eyes lit up as she grabbed the apple and digging into it. "Thank you oppa. I'll marry you one day!" she exclaimed. Her commotion caused her mother to look down at the two of them. She gasped and put her phone away.

"Sweetie, you can't just take that." she said and tried to pry the apple away from her daughter. The daughter resisted and was on the verge of crying.

"Please, it's my treat. She looks like she was hungry." Namjoon said, finally standing up to face the mother properly. Her face flushed out of embarrassment.

"Well she's just looking for trouble. We feed her." she snapped. "And I should be yelling at you for feeding strange things to my daughter!" She waved her hand around and Namjoon sighed. It wasn't the first time he had gotten this kind of treatment. He just had the aura as if he didn't belong here, for better or for worse.

"Yes, ma'am. I apologize-"

"You should do a better job at looking after your own daughter rather than blaming someone else who's trying to help." Namjoon turned to see you and was taken aback because he didn't realize you were here or that you were actually so close to him in proximity. "He's a good person and you don't deserve his kindness."

"Who are you to say anything? And I am taking care of her." the mother yelled.

"Did you notice the cut on her ankle, or the dirt under her chin?" you asked. You bent over and gently wipe the child's chin with your handkerchief. She gave a little pout but smiled in the end.

The mother clenched her jaws, having nothing else to say. "Well... If there's anything weird in that apple, I'll sue you." she pointed at him.

"Go ahead. I'll be his lawyer." It was your mother. She was getting annoyed too.

"Oh, Attorney Kim. I-I didn't see you there." the mother said, taking a step back.

"Go home and cook for your daughter. You've caused enough of a ruckus for today." you mother stated. The woman nodded and bowed to her before leaving. The crowd that you didn't noticed forming began to disperse. Namjoon exhaled but then grew nervous because your presence now was undeniable.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim and Y/N. You really saved me there." he said, rubbing the back of his neck out of habit. "What are you two doing here?"

"We're picking up some food for dinner." your mother answer. "Do you also work here?"

"Oh, no. I'm looking at this stand for neighbor. She had to go run some errands and I had nothing to do for today." he answered earnestly.

"I see. Y/N, why don't you say and chat with him while I go pick up the rest of the ingredients. I don't want you to get a heatstroke in this crowd."

She didn't wait for your answer and walked away. "Eomma-"

"I can't hear you!" she yelled back. "Don't get in trouble." This was a side of her that was rare but one that you love. That's where Taehyung gets his mischievous side. Namjoon seemed to have realized something and handed you an apple.

"Thanks. I was getting hungry too."

"I figured. You just came back from school." Looking down at your uniform, you thought of how you had forgotten about school. Then he continued, "Do you want to come sit with me?"

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