Chapter 17

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Strangely, your parents didn't question much when you told them you no longer wanted Namjoon to tutor you. Instead of telling them the truth, you told them that he should focus on taking care of his mother. Then when they called Namjoon to deliver the news, he understood. You stood outside their room as your mother made the call. You heard his low voice, you heard him thanking your parents for the opportunity, then you heard him asking about you. As per your request, they didn't say anything.

"He said to take care of yourself and he hopes to see you soon." your mother said once she got off the phone. You didn't react, there was nothing left to say. You would never see him again. He tried calling you, of course, but you let it go to voicemail. Over the next few days, there were obvious differences in your attitude. Taehyung was always the first to notice. You started eating less, you would skip out on your favorite dessert, you even declined the boys offer to go to an amusement park. That was until Taehyung forced you to.

"I'll stay with you if you don't want to go on rides." he told you.

"But you love going on rides, don't stay back because of me."

He sighed. "I know something is off with you, and I'll stay with you until you're ready to tell me."

That's how you ended up sitting on a bench, watching the rollercoaster filled with screaming teens dive towards multiple loops. You knew exactly where the boys were on the rollercoaster because Seokjin's scream if very distinct. Then Jungkook and Jimin would take turns making fun of him for it. To your right, Taehyung was taking some pictures on the camera you bought him for his 18th birthday. He had a smile on his face, but you knew he would rather be on the ride.

The boys came back, Hoseok looked the most distraught as he leaned on Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm never doing that again." he groaned.

"Too bad, we're gonna go on that one next!" Jimin exclaimed and pointed at Korea's version of the Tower of Doom. Hoseok's face dropped. Then slowly, he took a step backward, then another, and eventually he was running full force into the opposite direction. The escape attempt didn't take long because Jungkook and Taehyung had already tackled him and dragged him back like a prisoner.

"I think we should go in partners." Yoongi suggested.

"You're only saying that because you want to hold Taehyung's hand." Seokjin laughed.

Yoongi scoffed and crossed his arms. "So what?" he shrugged. Beside you, Taehyung giggled and blushed while looking down. Then he glanced up at the tower.

"That would be fun," he exhaled. "But sorry hyung, I have to stay here with Y/N." The elder pouted a little but nod. He understood that you would always be Taehyung's priority.

"Tae Tae, I'm perfectly capable of waiting by myself for a few minutes." you declared.

"I guess but what if you fall or you faint? What if you hit your head and die?" he asked, hands raised in the air.

"Stop being dramatic!" you yelled, punching his shoulder. "I'll sit here and wait, just go."

"If you feel the slightest bit dizzy, you call us, alright?" Seokjin commanded. You gave him a salute as an answer. Taehyung lingered a bit but you shooed him away. When he was a bit further away, you saw Yoongi gingerly grabbing his hand. What a flirt, you thought. The line was pretty long so it's possible that it might take longer than a few minutes until the group can get back to you. Instead of just waiting, you decided to go buy some churros.

Similar to everything else, the line was long. The hot sun didn't make it any better. Sweat poured down like rivers. Taehyung would kill you if he knew you were here instead of sitting down but you should be back before he notices. Your head lowered to looked at the pavement and the movement of shadows. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw a pair of converse. Strange, there were probably millions of red converse out there in the world but those looked awfully familiar. You shuddered as your eyes followed the converse, up his body and then finally landing on his face. Out of habit, you took a step back. Then you ran.

Namjoon watched as you ran away from him out of fear and anger. He should have let you go and leave you alone. But he couldn't, he needed to make it right again. So his feet mirrored yours. Since his physique was better and so was his health, he caught up to you soon, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back to him. Your bodies were inches apart but you soon pushed him off.

"Y/N, please just talk to me." he begged. Under the sun, you saw the dark circles under his eyes. They seemed darker than before and it made you even angrier.

"What are you doing here? Did you follow me? What am I saying? Of course you followed me here. There's nothing you won't do." you said bitterly.

"No, I asked your parents where you would be because there was something I needed." he explained.

"What?" you scoffed. "Was robbing my house not enough? Do you still want my money?" you took your bag off and threw it at him. He caught it but stood still.

"This isn't what I want. I want you Y/N." Your heart stopped for a bit. "I don't want your money, I need you. I'm sorry for doing things behind your back but I was always used to depending on myself. I didn't know how to rely on other people."

"So you just robbed us instead of talking to us? That's so twisted!"

"I know that was a shitty decision and I want to take it back. I'll return the money and I'll turn myself in to the police. Just please, talk to me."

"Why would you do that? Don't you need money for your mom's surgery?"

"I do. But I don't think she would want the surgery if she knew where it came from. And I don't want to use that money knowing I've hurt the only other person that means the world to me."

"I don't believe you. I don't know how I could ever believe you again, Namjoon." His heart still flutters every time you call his name, but there were so much weight and disappointment in it. "You got me thinking that I was enough, and that I was worth living for. But you turned out to be exactly like everyone else. Even if I forgive you, I will never shake off the feeling that you're using me."

"Y/N, I would never-" As he went to grab your hand again, someone caught his and pushed him to the ground. Taehyung stood over him while the boys shield you with their bodies.

"Taehyung." you called out, not wanting him to hurt the fallen man.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" 

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