Chapter 2

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You felt the IV tube in your arm but the material under your fingers told you that you were at home. It was nothing new, at some point it became too tedious to go to the hospital every time so your parents designed your room to be as efficient as a hospital room but allowed you to decorate it yourself so you would never feel trapped. Out of all the other rooms aside from the living room, you had the biggest windows and not a lot of furniture that you could potentially trip over.

Taehyung held your hand as you began to open your eyes, your mother right behind him. On their faces were no longer shock or sadness, they got used to it. They were happy every time you woke up because that's what you requested of them. Besides, you felt fine. "I'm never letting you outside again." Taehyung joked, but part of him wished he could keep his twin safe in his arms.

"Shut up." you laughed and pushed yourself up with his help. Your mother handed you a warm cup of milk. Your stomach savored every drop of it. Apparently, you had missed dinner last night. "How am I?" you asked.

"You're fine, just a small fever." your mother answered. "Appa called Dr. Jung and he said you should stay in bed for the day. I'll scold you tomorrow for forgetting to take your pills." she laughed softly. She had the same smile as Taehyungs, but in her eyes, you saw nothing but sorrow and regret. Maybe it was selfish of you to keep living your life as if nothing is wrong while your family is suffering while trying to make you comfortable.

"Where is appa?" you asked, noticing his absence from his usual place beside your bed. Whenever this happens, which used to be more frequent, he would pat your arms while humming his lullaby.

"He's downstairs talking to the police." Taehyung answered.

You furrowed your eyebrows, "The police, why?"

"Honey, don't you remember? You were robbed last night." your mother said with concerned and irritation at what happened. Then the memories came back, his eyes, the lollipop, your wallet...

"Halmeoni's hairpin!" you exclaimed a little too loud, causing your head to pound. Taehyung moved in a flash to touch your head. A magic touch that decreased the pain, but it was still there. Along with the painful thought of knowing the hairpin was no longer in your possession. Tears went down your cheeks as your twin pulled you into a tight embrace.

"We'll get it back," he said softly. His voice was as smooth as dark chocolate.

"That's right. And then when we catch that bastard, I'll lock him up in jail for the rest of his life." It was your father who had just come inside your room. His glasses falling down to the tip of his nose.

That would be the best punishment, but it felt wrong. "Appa, no. Please don't do that."

"Are you crazy? He robbed you and left you in the rain." he said loudly. Your mother walked over and place a hand on his chest to calm him down. Your body remembers the sensation of his arms around you and how warm his body was then, despite being drenched in the rain, and the feeling of his jacket around your body.

"But he did bring me to a dry place, I remember that much." you told him.

Your father scoffed. "He didn't even bother calling an ambulance for you, what a coward. I'm pissed at him and you should too."

You shook your head. "I am upset that I won't see the hairpin again. But he must have had his reasons to do it. Besides, I didn't have that much money with me anyways."

"Y/N, that's not the point here." Taehyung said sternly. "The point is you could have died if the store owner didn't call us in time. If I ever get my hands on that guy, I'll kill him."

"Let's not say that in front of attorneys," your mother chimed in. Your parents then walked out of your room to get ready for work. In this condition, they won't let you go to school. But Taehyung has to and he's hesitating on leaving you alone.

The bond between you and Taehyung had always been strong. Must be a twin thing. Every time you're hurt, he feels it too. That's why he knew when you're crying and would always knock on your room with ice cream and a movie. No matter how popular he is in school, he always made sure to bring you along with him. Partly to make you feel less lonely but he never feels complete without you. Seeing his twin lying unconscious must have broken him, no matter how many times he has witnessed it.

"Taehyung," you said, placing a hand on his. His eyes calmed down a little bit. "I'm sorry, I'll take better care of myself, I promise. Go to school before the teachers yell at you."

"Alright, I'll bring home any assignments." he nodded before leaving your room. Your eyes followed him out to the door and you saw what looked like a jacket on the floor. Gingerly, you took the tubes from your arm and walked over to it. It was gray and went past your hip. It still had the smell of rain on it, mixed in with something woody and floral. You saw him again through the scent. He didn't look like a bad person but someone in need.

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