Chapter 16

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The bag in his hand shook as he took a step forward towards you. At the same time, you took a step back, legs wobbling. His lips parted, he wanted to call out to you but knew he no longer had the rights. A car passed by and headlights filled the room for a split second. You saw the outline of his body, the hood that was loose on him and the cap that covered most of his face. He saw the fear and disappointment in your eyes, making his heart hurt more.

He could make up any excuse right now, but it was too late. You already figured out what was happening. That's why he asked what time you would be home, that's why Ji Eun saw him in the area, that's why he got closer to you. It was all a lie.

"Y/N," he began.

"Whatever it is that you're going to say, I don't want to hear it." you snapped.

"Please, let me explain. It's not what it looks like."

"Really? So you're not robbing my house?" you asked sarcastically.

"I'm sorry." he said, lowering his head even more. He couldn't bare to look at you any longer. The guilt would consume him alive.

"I thought you stopped with all of this. You said you stopped after getting this job!" you yelled. It was getting harder to breathe and your vision threatened to fail. Not now, you told yourself, please not now.

"I need the money. My mom needs the money."

"That's not a fucken excuse Namjoon. You could have told me, I could have thought of something. I could have talked to my parents. Why would you do this?" Your voice came out weak and it broke by the end. You gripped the couch for support. The sudden daunting thought finally jabbed you in the heart. "You planned this from the very beginning, didn't you?"


"When I asked you if you know who I was when applying for this job, you lied, didn't you?" He nodded. There was no point in denying it now that Pandora's box has been opened. He had been scouting the area for awhile and learned about your family. He didn't look into anything specific other than your parent's occupations. He certainly did not know of your cancer. "So it was all a lie then."

"Y/N, I'm sorry for lying about my intentions. But my feelings for you-"

"Feelings? You mean more deceptions?" you laughed bitterly.

He shook his head vigorously. "No, of course not."

"All these talks about liking me and telling me I'm special was all a lie to get my trust?"

"Y/N, it's not like that, please let me explain. At first, yes it was like that but now what I feel for you is real." he begged, stepping closer. This time you fell to the ground.

"Fuck you. Fuck this!" you cried. "How could you? Was it not enough to rob me the first time? Or why did you have to go through all this trouble? You could have just broken in like you're doing right now without involving me or getting my hopes up."

Namjoon bit his lips. It was what he wanted to do at first, but he needed to figure out the layout of the house. Nothing he says now will help the situation, you wouldn't believe him anyways even if it was the truth. "I'm sorry, I'll return these-"

"No, just get out. I never want to see you again."

"Y/N, please. We need to talk about this because I still like you."

"Shut up!" you screamed, the tears wouldn't stop. "Please, don't say anything else and just get out. You've done enough. I knew it was too good to be true. People never want anything to do with me unless it's to get closer to Taehyung or to my money. I should have known."

It broke Namjoon's heart knowing how little you love yourself, and it broke him, even more, knowing that from now on, you would no longer trust yourself or in love. "I know you won't believe me, but believe that you're worth loving." Because I love you, he thought but didn't have the courage to say.

You got back on your feet and stared directly at him, tears dried on your cheeks. "Go before Taehyung gets back. I won't tell them. But I tell will them to fire you." You didn't wait for his response, instead, walking right to your room. As your bodies came near each other, he held the urge to hold you. When you closed the door behind you, the tears poured out again. You heard the front door click, and so did the door to your trust. Kim Namjoon will never step foot in both again.

When you woke up in the morning, there was a commotion outside. Taehyung had waited by your door, ready for you to wake up to explain everything to you. He wanted to be the first one you see instead of strangers. "What's going on?" you asked upon seeing police officers.

"At some point last night, we were robbed." he answered. You faked a gasp, it took every ounce of you to not break down again in front of your twin. "The police aren't sure what time it was. Did you notice anything when you came home?"

"No, I was too tired so I just went to bed." you lied. Taehyung nodded and pulled you into a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay. I can't imagine something happening to you when I'm not around."

"Tae. I'm okay." you told him, embracing him back. You hope he couldn't tell how shaky your body was. "I'm sure the robber won't come back."

"How do you know for sure?"

"He took everything he needed. There's nothing here left for him." you said in disappointment. Taehyung narrowed his eyes and looked at the wall in front of him, but said nothing. His heart was hurting, and considering that nothing has happened to him, it must have been you. He felt it tugging since last night. There was something you were hiding and he wouldn't push you to tell him. The only thing he did was hold you tighter and patted your back. 

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