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I chewed the inside of my cheek; my eyes flicking around nervously every time I heard a noise from outside. The meeting must have finished now as the quiet streets seemed louder and more busy. The man, Bjorn as he had now introduced himself much in the same way as Lagertha, sat hunched over in a basic wooden chair opposite me. To someone offering him only a casual glance it might have looked like he was asleep but his eyes never left me unless they were taking a guarded look at the door. White and taut, his knuckles strained as he gripped the axe in his lap. I shifted uncomfortably wiggling my toes nervously.

The building I was in consisted of only one room. Slatted wood lined the walls and a small fire sat in the middle with chairs on one side, one inhabited by Bjorn, and two beds on the other. I was sitting on a bed. It was simply made with sheets made from unbleached linens and no pillow. It was cold and hard, made almost entirely from wood unlike the one I had at home, memory foam it was. Mum thought it gave a better nights sleep and who was I to argue with a doctor?

My stomach lurched at the thought of my parents and I fought back tears once more. I would not cry again, not in front of anyone. I missed my dad most; I was used to mum being away for long periods of time with work but dad and I spent a lot of time together. I used to come home and he'd scoop my up into his arms and ask how my day was and he would always smell like some kind of baked goods which left me guessing what he had baked the whole way home (cookies were my favourite).

I didn't get a cookie hug anymore though, just angry protective stares and as safe as they made me feel nothing would beat how safe my dad made me feel.

Jumping from his chair, Bjorn had his axe, curved and wicked, in hand with teeth bared staring at the door which I only now realised was opening. Strands of blonde hair blew through the small opening created followed by Lagertha. She looked to Bjorn, raising her eyebrows and smirking slightly as he lowered his axe, sighing and grinding his teeth in annoyance. Almost floating, Lagertha walked towards me and crouched so our eyes met and I felt like I knew what she was telling me: we are going to keep you safe. Bjorn said a few words in a low angry tone and Lagertha craned her neck towards him yet did not look at him. They trusted each other.

After a long discussion, Bjorn left the room and Lagertha rested her hand on my shoulder. A few moments passed and he poked his head back in and nodded. I began to be ushered out of the building and as I walked out the door the night air scratched and bit into my skin like hungry dogs. It was dark. The sky black. Everyone must be asleep now for the streets were empty. This was my chance. I ran.

Like shards of glass the stones that were embedded in the dirt path cut into my soles but I did not stop running. The wind slipped it's fingers under the hem of my dress and tried to pull me backwards towards my captors. Maybe if I could just get back to where Bjorn found me I would remember the way home or maybe I could find a road and get to a town, to a phone and call my parents to come and get me and I would be safe. My tiny legs moved faster than they had ever done before but as hands came crashing down onto my shoulders then down further to wrap around my arms I realised how futile my escape attempt had been; both of my captors were faster than I. I shrieked and I was yanked back into a warm body, a hand releasing my arm only to be moved up and cover my mouth and I was quickly dragged kicking and flailing thought the streets back towards the main building.

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