A Proclamation of a lifetime

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The future king of Auradon gazed out of the huge window that had the Isle of the Lost in view. He stood there gazing out as he stood on a wooden raised platform while his tailor was tending to a dancy blue suit that the prince had on for his upcoming coronation. The prince was deep in thought with his brown eyebrows furrowed in concentration but was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of his father's voice. 

"How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month? You're just a baby" Beast's voice boomed as him and his wife, Belle, stepped into the room. "He's turning sixteen dear" Belle reminded her husband and also giving him a soft little top on the arm with a smile. Their son, Ben, nodded his head to them in a greeting manner that was unnoticed by his father.

"Sixteen!?" king Adam shouted "that's far too young to become king, I didn't make a good decision till I was at least..., forty-two" he stated which earned him a little scoff from his wife. "Uh, you decided to marry me at twenty-eight," she told him. 

"It was either you or the teapot" he chuckled at his own joke and winked at his son but Belle didn't find it even at least a little bit amusing. When he looked down at his wife his smile had faded "kidding". 

"Mom, dad" Ben interrupted. He was trying to word what he was going to say without his parents (mainly his dad) getting upset "I've chosen my first official proclamation" this had gotten his parent's full attention. "I've decided for the children of the Isle of the lost to be given the chance to live here in Auradon." Upon hearing this, Belle had dropped the piece of fabric that was in her hands and Beast just stared at his son with a blank stare while Ben stepped down from the wooden raised platform and stepped closer to his parents. "Every time I look out there, to the Island I feel like they've been abandoned." 

Sensing the tension the tailer quickly left the room, just in time before Beast's outburst.

"The children of our sworn enemy's, living among us?" Beast asked his son angrily. Ben  

Ben stood back for a little bit and nodding at his dad before continuing what he was saying "we start off with a few at first, the ones who need help the most" he took a glance at his mother who gave him a nod for him to continue and he looked back at his dad "I've already chosen". 

"Have you?" Beast inquired. In an effect of calming her husband, Belle placed a hand on her husband's arm. "I gave you a second chance," she said in a calming tone, turned to her son and asked, "who are their parents?". 

Ben straightened up and answered his mother's question "Cruella De Vi, Jafar, The Evil Queen, The Big Bad Wolf and Maleficent" Ben's palms were beginning to sweat if they haven't already. "MALEFICENT!?" Beast yelled in outrage. "she is the worst in the land!" his son tried to interject but his father continued, "I won't hear of it! All of them are guilty of unspeakable crimes!". 

"Dad their children are innocent" Ben yelled at his father trying to make him see the point "don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?" that had gotten Beast's attention, he glanced around the room, to his wife and then back to his son. "I suppose that their children are innocent" he muttered in a gruff before leaving the room, Belle gave Ben a small smile and walked out with Beast. Ben signed in relief, returned to his place on the wooden raised platform and looked out onto the forbidden Isle of the lost. 

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